Opened 2 months ago

Last modified 6 weeks ago

#18878 new bug domain expired

Reported by: pulkomandy Owned by: haiku-web
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Sys-Admin Version:
Keywords: Cc: kallisti5, leavengood
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


It is not possible to reach anymore.

It is still used to host a few archives used by haikuports, as well as some "optional packages" used by Haiku build system (mainly the "demo packages" containing a variety of emails, people files, videos, images and sounds).

Even if we decide to not bring it back, I don't know the dreamhost server name it is currently hosted at, so I can't access the files at all (even using ssh). We could point another domain to it ( or, if we don't want to use it anymore, I would like to make a backup of the stuff that's in there before it is gone :(

Change History (13)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 2 months ago

Cc: kallisti5 leavengood added

I asked kallisti5 about this and he seemed to think they let it expire on purpose? That seems like a strange decision to me, I don't see anywhere that it was decided upon. I don't think we should have let that happen.

Anyway, he did look around for credentials to DreamHost and could not find any, or at least the account that he knows of's email goes to a contributor who isn't around anymore.

I vaguely recall humdinger having access to upload things?

comment:2 by waddlesplash, 2 months ago

Hmm, the domain looks to be registered by NameCheap and still has a Registry Expiry Date in the future. Are we sure we don't control it actually, and it's just in the auto-renew period somehow?

comment:3 by pulkomandy, 2 months ago

I had access to upload things by ssh. But I did that using the domain to connect to the right Dreamhost server (their hosting distributes websites to various servers, and occasionally moves them around).

Since there is no domain anymore, I don't know where to connect to. According to dreamhost documentations, the server name ( would be found in the web interface. If I had that, I could connect to it. But if no one has access to that web interface, there's no way to recover that?

comment:4 by kallisti5, 2 months ago

So, was one of the domains that had auto-renewals fail.

Either myself or Ryan just let it expire and didn't fix it when we had all the lovely random auto-renewal failures at Namecheap. Nothing (that we knew of) was still hosted there.

The domain is gone.

For full context, nothing core Haiku has pulled anything from haiku-files for at least a decade. The DreamHost account is inaccessible at the moment as they want to validate the owners email (and the email isn't set to any known Haiku, Inc. address.. this was all setup before the majority of the current board members. A lot of the involved folks are gone.)

I searched the haikuports repo, and found the following recipes using

Augustin Cavalier 2015-07-02 11:12:32 -0400 13
* f561efbc96 dev-lang/rebol/rebol-

Augustin Cavalier 2015-07-02 11:12:32 -0400  9
* f561efbc96 dev-util/fastdep/fastdep-0.16.recipe

Augustin Cavalier 2015-07-02 11:12:32 -0400 11
* f561efbc96 haiku-apps/recibe/recibe-1.0b1.recipe

Humdinger         2015-08-31 17:16:33 +0200  9
* ae698c8c3b media-libs/sge/sge-030809.recipe

Augustin Cavalier 2015-07-02 11:12:32 -0400 13
* f561efbc96 media-fonts/droid/droid-4.3_r2.2.recipe

Jerome Duval      2018-08-06 14:25:37 +0200 12
* 9a6fd9b28c media-fonts/droid/droid-113.recipe

Jerome Duval     2022-05-19 16:04:25 +0200  9
* 0444679b02 haiku-data/be_book/be_book-2008_10_26.recipe

PulkoMandy       2022-12-29 21:40:52 +0100 11
* 88b9c81385 sys-devel/jamfile_engine/jamfile_engine-1.0.3.recipe

PulkoMandy       2023-08-08 21:46:14 +0200  7
* 3fc4bbc23b media-fonts/noto_emoji/noto_emoji-20230311.recipe

Are these the individuals with access keys to the previous haiku-files?

To summarize:

  • We had no idea anyone still had access to Dreamhost and was still actively uploading anything to it
  • We let a 15 year old domain that has been unused (that anyone knew of) for the last 10 years expire

We moved away from DreamHost because while they were awesome to provide services at no cost in the mid-late 2000's, we were beginning to abuse their generosity and started to consume too many resources.

comment:5 by kallisti5, 2 months ago

Also, I assume these files are still on our dreamhost account.. we just need to figure out who's email is getting the 2fa emails to login.

comment:6 by pulkomandy, 2 months ago

Well, yes, it was maybe time to retire it, but still, it would have been nice to know a few days before it was gone and have a chance of making a backup of all the stuff hosted there, even if it's not relevant for current Haiku developments...

I'm happy to copy these things over to beosarchive or we can ask as well.

The missing haikuports download are not so much a concern, I think, we can rebuild these files or find copies somewhere (maybe in the haikuports builders if they keep the downloads when building things?).

Anyway, I looked up the data for the domain (there are thankfully some DNS services out there: and found the IP for the server, so you can access it at (if your keys are added on the server):

ssh haiku_files@ or haiku_files@…

I will try to make a backup of it all (it's about 14GB of stuff apparently).

Last edited 2 months ago by pulkomandy (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by pulkomandy, 2 months ago

Here you go, it's now available at

However, please don't point everyone there, it's hosted on an old laptop in my living room which isn't the best way to go about these things.

comment:8 by kallisti5, 2 months ago

it would have been nice to know a few days before it was gone and have a chance of making a backup of all the stuff hosted there

That's fair. To be honest if I remember correctly, was also expiring at the same time due to the renewal failures (which kinda distracted me, and was a *major* issue at the time)

If you're looking to reduce, there's likely little need for any nightly images (which probably consume a lot of space)

I'll scour the sources and haikuports and redistribute things. If we need to upload stuff somewhere, I can toss it into our official s3 buckets since they cost pretty much nothing to maintain.

comment:9 by kallisti5, 2 months ago

Looking over the Haiku source repo, here's what's left that references haiku-files:

No concern:
3rdparty/mmu_man/scripts/	tf=/tmp/haiku-files.org_raw_$$
3rdparty/mmu_man/scripts/	wget -O $tf >/dev/null 2>&1 || error "wget error"

Probably needs investigated:
docs/develop/packages/Migration.rst:    that has to be done manually on the server. The process will
docs/develop/release/milestones.rst:* rsync release-files-directory to[release-name]

comment:10 by kallisti5, 2 months ago

I moved jamfile-engine here: Updating haikuports url

comment:11 by kallisti5, 2 months ago was moved to a Haiku, Inc. controlled s3 bucket. (and haikuports recipe updated)

comment:12 by leavengood, 6 weeks ago

I have the DreamHost login details, the email is Axel's: axeld@…

I tried to log in but it sent an email there because of a "new location"

@axeld do you still have access to that email?

Though maybe it does not matter if pulkomandy already got the data off it.

comment:13 by pulkomandy, 6 weeks ago

Would it be possible to reconfigure it and have point to it? Or is the plan to close it and save a little money by not paying dreamhost anymore?

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