Opened 3 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

#18938 closed bug (no change required)

USB Thumb drive mount/unmount issue

Reported by: Luposian Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: - General Version: R1/beta4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86-64


More often than not, when I plug in a USB thumb drive, it comes up, but when I unmount it and then try to mount it again, I get an error message. And sometimes, when I unmount it, the icon for the thumb drive doesn’t go away, but the green capacity bar drops to almost 0. Other times, when I unmount it, it disappears (from the Desktop) like it’s supposed to, but it’s still showing in DriveSetup and I can’t mount it again and I get the error message. Seems either there is a method for doing this that I’m not doing in the right order or USB (at least for thumb drives) is still a little wonky?

Change History (5)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 3 months ago

This ticket does not have nearly enough details.

  1. What error message?
  1. Is the second error message the same as the first?
  1. Please post a syslog from a boot where this occurred.

comment:2 by Luposian, 3 months ago

I just updated R1/Beta4 to the latest "everything" today, to make sure nothing there would cause any issues. Upon inserting a USB 3.0 thumb drive with various files, it asked me if I wanted to mount it read/write, or read-only. I opted Read-Only. I was able to repeatedly unmount and mount it without issue.

However, upon mounting a USB 2.0 thumb drive, formatted as BFS (Haiku), it came up immediately and I was able to view the files on it. BUT! When I unmounted it, the icon remained, but the green capacity meter went to zero. Is this a USB 2.0 problem or a Haiku BFS problem?

The USB thumb drive is a Sony 2Gb MicroVault Tiny. I am going to try a couple other USB thumb drives (2.0 and 3.0), formatted to Haiku BFS, and see if the problem persists. This issue was immediate, so it should occur for anyone else who tries it, if it's a persistent problem and not just related to this particular Sony USB drive.

comment:3 by Luposian, 3 months ago

Ok, I just tried to partition/format a couple USB drives and... it refuses to. The one drive (a 32Gb USB 3.0), it couldn't, because it was apparently "read-only" (verified in Windows 11, which couldn't format the USB 3.0 drive either). The other USB 2.0 drive (4Gb), I'm able to format in Windows 11 (FAT32), but trying to partition/format it in Haiku R1/Beta 4 results in the same error message:

Failed to initialize the disk "Empty"

Error: Operation timed out

  • or -

Failed to format the partition "empty"

Error: General system error

So, basically, I can't even partition/format a USB thumb drive now, to try and test out my earlier issue.

UPDATE: I was finally able to find/format another USB 2.0 2GB thumbdrive (BFS), but upon trying to unmount it, the same thing happened: the icon changes from a USB stick icon, to a file cabinet icon, and the green capacity bar goes to zero. The file cabinet icon never disappears.

Last edited 3 months ago by Luposian (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by Luposian, 3 months ago

Ok, guess I didn't realize that having the Mount Setting of "Eject when unmount" unchecked (disabled) would screw things up so much for me. After partitioning/formatting a USB 3.0 32Gb Thumb drive for Haiku and trying it out (which worked fine), I decided to try checking (enabling) "Eject when unmount" and suddenly my USB 2.0 2Gb thumb drive started working fine. Icon disappears as soon as I unmount it and reappears when I plug it back in.

Having just rebooted a couple times, seems the problem was all to do with "Eject" not being enabled. My apologies for the drama... I think this ticket can be closed.

comment:5 by waddlesplash, 3 months ago

Resolution: no change required
Status: newclosed
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