Changes between Initial Version and Version 6 of Ticket #3949

Nov 23, 2009, 5:22:42 PM (14 years ago)

Updated original ticket text by "strike through" of committed changes. Added link to further enhancements in #5025.


  • Ticket #3949

    • Property Owner changed from korli to leavengood
    • Property Status newassigned
  • Ticket #3949 – Description

    initial v6  
    33There are some details that are not yet perfect. :)
    5  # When I invoke the Background add-on on an image file, the selected image is shown in the preference panel for the "Default Folder". Personally, I think this function is more often used for setting a workspace's background, so it may be more useful to set "Current Workspace" here instead.
     5 # ~~When I invoke the Background add-on on an image file, the selected image is shown in the preference panel for the "Default Folder". Personally, I think this function is more often used for setting a workspace's background, so it may be more useful to set "Current Workspace" here instead.~~
    7  # When changing from "Default folder" to "Current/All Workspaces", the image that invoked the Background panel is replaced with the current background image of the workspace. Keeping the invoking image is a better idea IMO.
     7 # When changing from "Default folder" to "Current/All Workspaces", the image that invoked the Background panel is replaced with the current background image of the workspace. Keeping the invoking image is a better idea IMO. [''Update: this is still true, even though it's the other way around, as invoking on an image defaults now to "Current Workspace" (see resolved 1st bullet)''
    9  # The "Default Folder" shows "backgroundTexture.tga" as image file. Too nerdy IMO, and what's the difference to selecting "None"? I guess... "none"?
     9 # ~~The "Default Folder" shows "backgroundTexture.tga" as image file. Too nerdy IMO, and what's the difference to selecting "None"? I guess... "none"?~~
    11  # From an aesthetical POV, the "Preview" string above the monitor representation on the left should either have a few pixel distance to the monitor or, better IMO, forget the "Preview" sring altogether.
     11 # ~~From an aesthetical POV, the "Preview" string above the monitor representation on the left should either have a few pixel distance to the monitor or,~~ better IMO, forget the "Preview" string altogether.
    13  # I don't have a working widescreen resolution under Haiku, so I can't test this: does the preview monitor change aspect according to the workspace's resolution? It should.
     13 # ~~I don't have a working widescreen resolution under Haiku, so I can't test this: does the preview monitor change aspect according to the workspace's resolution? It should.~~
    1515 # There's still ticket #1006, eliminating the Apply button.
     17 # More, maybe less easy, enhancements are in ticket #5025.