Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #4493, comment 24

Nov 27, 2010, 4:02:20 PM (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #4493, comment 24

    initial v1  
    1 I also think that the same coulour for these two would be OK.[[BR]]
     1I also think that the same colour for these two would be OK.[[BR]]
    33However, IMO the red colour for Stack and Tile doesn't work very well. [[BR]]
    1313And Humdinger, you already saw it coming ("please don't hit me") so I'll be soft on you this time, "unobtrusive" pulsating animations belong to the discount section of the Annoying Bells & Whistles Store's Baroque department, IMHO...
     15If you really want to use Pulses, for a good user experience you should limit the use of them to ongoing processes that end by itself.
     17For instance, Mac OSX's system shutdown has a two minute delay that's announced by a window.
     19This window has a button that you can click if you want to shut down the PC by yourself (and don't want to wait before the two minutes are up). This button is animated as a pulse, with a very appropriate one second (or so it seems) interval.
     21As with the red colour from Stack and Tile, a pulse in Resizing Management expresses way too much urgency for the situation, since there is no time limit.
     22The pulse would not only have no real function, it would suggest urgency that doesn't exist. This means a disturbance in the user's work flow. I know Zeta had it, and I remember what impression it left on me (not very positive).