Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #6296, comment 15

May 6, 2015, 10:44:36 PM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #6296, comment 15

    initial v1  
    11When you have just one instance of a program open and/or the program in question only has one window open, you should not be presented with a menu when you click on a running program in the Deskbar. In this situation, the program being clicked on should be brought to the foreground and unminimized without having to select it from the sub-menu because the other options (Hide All, Show All and Close All) don't apply. The sub-menu should only appear when multiple instances of an app are running or if an app has multiple windows open and maybe only via right-click.
    3 In addition, I have another good reason to alter the Deskbar's current design. In my first week of returning to Haiku (last week) I accidentally closed programs at least 4/5 times in my first week but I didn't know that at the time. I thought the programs were crashing. What was actually happening was I was double-cicking on  the deskbar icon to switch to its window but my pointer got moved everso slightly to the side which means the second click selects 'Close all' from that misplaced context menu.
     3In addition, I have another good reason to alter the Deskbar's current design. In my first week of returning to Haiku (last week) I accidentally closed programs at least 4/5 times in my first week but I didn't know that at the time. I thought the programs were crashing. What was actually happening was I was double-cicking on  the deskbar icon to switch to its window but my pointer got moved everso slightly to the side which means the second click selects 'Close all' from that misplaced context menu and so it was closing my programs by mistake. It seems many Haiku apps don't prompt you to make sure thats what you want to do when you close them this way.