Opened 11 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#9662 closed bug (fixed)

Sounds are lost

Reported by: Giova84 Owned by: korli
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Drivers/Audio/HDA Version: R1/Development
Keywords: no sounds after reboot Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


With the latest revisions of Haiku i have noticed that when i restart Haiku, at the next reboot, i completely lost sounds in Haiku. Differently from this ticket: I don't lose sounds because i reboot from Windows. This time i lose sounds just rebooting Haiku itself, and without start any other operating system.

Shutdown too, doesnt solve. Strangely i have found this workaround: reboot to Windows, shutdown Windows and the start directly Haiku. Very odd.

Inside syslog i can read these lines (in particular "KERN: try without mixer! KERN: build output tree: don't use mixer")

KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: 12 13 14 15 38 
KERN: 27: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Input] [Output]
KERN: 	Jack, Front HP out, 1/8", Green, Association:1
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: 12 13 14 15 38 
KERN: 28: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Input] 
KERN: 	None, Speaker, 1/8", Black, Association:15
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Unsol. responses] [Stereo] 
KERN: 29: Beep generator
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] 
KERN: 30: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Output]
KERN: 	Jack, SPDIF out, Optical, Black, Association:3
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Digital] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] 
KERN: 	Inputs: <6> 
KERN: 31: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Input] 
KERN: 	None, Speaker, 1/8", Black, Association:15
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Digital] [Unsol. responses] 
KERN: 32: Vendor defined
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Proc widget] 
KERN: 33: Vendor defined
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 34: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: 24 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 22 23 11 18 
KERN: 35: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: 24 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 22 23 11 
KERN: 36: Vendor defined
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 37: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported formats: 16bits 20bits 24bits 
KERN: 	Supported rates: 44khz 48khz 96khz 192khz 
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 38: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: step size: 1.5 dB, # steps: 31, offset to 0 dB: 31
KERN: 	Inputs: 37 11 
KERN: build output tree: use mixer
KERN:   look at pin widget 17 (1 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 16: 0x820f5768
KERN:   look at pin widget 20 (5 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 12: 0x820f54b8
KERN:     widget 12 is candidate
KERN:         output: added output widget 2
KERN:       output: added mixer/selector widget 12
KERN:         output: not added mixer/selector widget 11
KERN:     add pin widget 20
KERN:   look at pin widget 21 (5 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 12: 0x820f54b8
KERN:     widget 12 is candidate
KERN:     try widget 13: 0x820f5564
KERN:     widget 13 is candidate
KERN:         output: added output widget 3
KERN:       output: added mixer/selector widget 13
KERN:         output: not added mixer/selector widget 11
KERN:     add pin widget 21
KERN:   look at pin widget 22 (5 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 12: 0x820f54b8
KERN:     widget 12 is candidate
KERN:     try widget 13: 0x820f5564
KERN:     widget 13 is candidate
KERN:     try widget 14: 0x820f5610
KERN:     widget 14 is candidate
KERN:         output: added output widget 4
KERN:       output: added mixer/selector widget 14
KERN:         output: not added mixer/selector widget 11
KERN:     add pin widget 22
KERN:   look at pin widget 23 (5 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 12: 0x820f54b8
KERN:     widget 12 is candidate
KERN:     try widget 13: 0x820f5564
KERN:     widget 13 is candidate
KERN:     try widget 14: 0x820f5610
KERN:     widget 14 is candidate
KERN:     try widget 15: 0x820f56bc
KERN:     widget 15 is candidate
KERN:         output: added output widget 5
KERN:       output: added mixer/selector widget 15
KERN:         output: not added mixer/selector widget 11
KERN:     add pin widget 23
KERN:   look at pin widget 27 (5 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 12: 0x820f54b8
KERN:     widget 12 is candidate
KERN:     add pin widget 27
KERN: build input tree
KERN:   look at input widget 8 (1 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 35: 0x820f642c
KERN:     widget 35 is candidate
KERN:         input: added input widget 24
KERN:       input: added mixer/selector widget 35
KERN:         input: added input widget 25
KERN:       input: added mixer/selector widget 35
KERN:         input: added input widget 26
KERN:       input: added mixer/selector widget 35
KERN:         input: not added mixer/selector widget 11
KERN:     add pin widget 8
KERN:   look at input widget 9 (1 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 34: 0x820f6380
KERN:     widget 34 is candidate
KERN:         input: not added mixer/selector widget 11
KERN:       input: not added mixer/selector widget 34
KERN:   look at input widget 10 (1 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 31: 0x820f617c
KERN:     widget 31 is candidate
KERN: build tree!
KERN: 	Audiogroup:
KERN: 2: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 3: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 4: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 5: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 6: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Digital] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 7: Vendor defined
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 8: Audio input
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Format override] [Amplifier override] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 1.5 dB, # steps: 31, offset to 0 dB: 11
KERN: 	Inputs: <35> 
KERN: 9: Audio input
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Format override] [Amplifier override] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 1.5 dB, # steps: 31, offset to 0 dB: 11
KERN: 	Inputs: <34> 
KERN: 10: Audio input
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Digital] [Conn. list] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	Inputs: <31> 
KERN: 11: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 1.5 dB, # steps: 31, offset to 0 dB: 23
KERN: 	Inputs: <24> 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 22 23 
KERN: 12: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: step size: 1.5 dB, # steps: 31, offset to 0 dB: 31
KERN: 	Inputs: <2> 11 
KERN: 13: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: step size: 1.5 dB, # steps: 31, offset to 0 dB: 31
KERN: 	Inputs: <3> 11 
KERN: 14: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: step size: 1.5 dB, # steps: 31, offset to 0 dB: 31
KERN: 	Inputs: <4> 11 
KERN: 15: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: step size: 1.5 dB, # steps: 31, offset to 0 dB: 31
KERN: 	Inputs: <5> 11 
KERN: 16: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Digital] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 17: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Pres Detect][Output]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Digital] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] 
KERN: 	Inputs: <16> 
KERN: 18: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Input]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Stereo] 
KERN: 19: Vendor defined
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 20: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Trigger Req][Pres Detect][HP Drive][Output][Input][EAPD]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: <12> 13 14 15 38 
KERN: 21: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Trigger Req][Pres Detect][HP Drive][Output][Input][EAPD]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: 12 <13> 14 15 38 
KERN: 22: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Trigger Req][Pres Detect][Output][Input]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: 12 13 <14> 15 38 
KERN: 23: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Trigger Req][Pres Detect][Output][Input]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: 12 13 14 <15> 38 
KERN: 24: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Trigger Req][Pres Detect][HP Drive][Output][Input][VRef HIZ][VRef 50][VRef Gr][VRef 80][VRef 100]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: <12> 13 14 15 38 
KERN: 25: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Trigger Req][Pres Detect][HP Drive][Output][Input][VRef HIZ][VRef 50][VRef Gr][VRef 80][VRef 100]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: <12> 13 14 15 38 
KERN: 26: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Trigger Req][Pres Detect][HP Drive][Output][Input][VRef HIZ][VRef 50][VRef Gr][VRef 80][VRef 100]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: <12> 13 14 15 38 
KERN: 27: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Trigger Req][Pres Detect][HP Drive][Output][Input][VRef HIZ][VRef 50][VRef Gr][VRef 80][VRef 100]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: step size: 10 dB, # steps: 3, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: <12> 13 14 15 38 
KERN: 28: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Pres Detect][Input]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Unsol. responses] [Stereo] 
KERN: 29: Beep generator
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] 
KERN: 30: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Pres Detect][Output]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Digital] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] 
KERN: 	Inputs: <6> 
KERN: 31: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Pres Detect][Input]
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Digital] [Unsol. responses] 
KERN: 32: Vendor defined
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Proc widget] 
KERN: 33: Vendor defined
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 34: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: <24> 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 22 23 11 18 
KERN: 35: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: <24> 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 22 23 11 
KERN: 36: Vendor defined
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 37: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 D1 D2 D3 
KERN: 	[Power] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 38: Audio mixer
KERN: 	Supported power states: D0 
KERN: 	[Conn. list] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [In amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	In Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Out Amp: step size: 1.5 dB, # steps: 31, offset to 0 dB: 31
KERN: 	Inputs: <37> 11 
KERN: hda: Enabled unsolicited responses on widget 20
KERN: hda: Enabled unsolicited responses on widget 21
KERN: hda: Enabled unsolicited responses on widget 22
KERN: hda: Enabled unsolicited responses on widget 24
KERN: hda: Enabled unsolicited responses on widget 25
KERN: hda: Enabled unsolicited responses on widget 26
KERN: hda: Enabled unsolicited responses on widget 27
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 12 (offset 31)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 12 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 13 (offset 31)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 13 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 14 (offset 31)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 14 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 15 (offset 31)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 15 (offset 0)
KERN: ENABLE pin widget 20
KERN: ENABLE EAPD pin widget 20
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 20 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 20 (offset 0)
KERN: ENABLE pin widget 21
KERN: ENABLE EAPD pin widget 21
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 21 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 21 (offset 0)
KERN: ENABLE pin widget 22
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 22 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 22 (offset 0)
KERN: ENABLE pin widget 23
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 23 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 23 (offset 0)
KERN: ENABLE pin widget 27
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 27 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 27 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 8 (offset 11)
KERN: input vref 50 enabled
KERN: input vref 80 enabled
KERN: input vref 100 enabled
KERN: ENABLE pin widget 24
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 24 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 24 (offset 0)
KERN: input vref 50 enabled
KERN: input vref 80 enabled
KERN: input vref 100 enabled
KERN: ENABLE pin widget 25
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 25 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 25 (offset 0)
KERN: input vref 50 enabled
KERN: input vref 80 enabled
KERN: input vref 100 enabled
KERN: ENABLE pin widget 26
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 26 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 26 (offset 0)
KERN: UNMUTE/SET INPUT GAIN widget 35 (offset 0)
KERN: hda: streams playback 0xcdb58448, record 0x82573cb8
KERN: Codec 3 Vendor: 8086 Product: 2803, Revision:
KERN: hda: Audio Group: Output delay: 4 samples, Input delay: 0 samples, Beep Generator: no
KERN: hda:   #GPIO: 0, #GPO: 0, #GPI: 0, unsol: no, wake: no
KERN: 	Supported formats: 
KERN: 	Supported rates: 
KERN: hda:   widget start 2, count 2
KERN: 2: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported formats: 16bits 20bits 24bits 32bits bitstream 
KERN: 	Supported rates: 32khz 44khz 48khz 88khz 96khz 176khz 192khz 
KERN: 	Supported power states: 
KERN: 	[Digital] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 3: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Output]
KERN: 	Jack, HDMI Digital other out, Other digital, N/A, Association:1
KERN: 	Supported power states: 
KERN: 	[CP caps] [Digital] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Format override] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: <2> 
KERN: build output tree: use mixer
KERN:   look at pin widget 3 (1 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 2: 0xcdb7e340
KERN: try without mixer!
KERN: build output tree: don't use mixer
KERN:   look at pin widget 3 (1 inputs)
KERN:     try widget 2: 0xcdb7e340
KERN:     widget 2 is candidate
KERN:       output: added output widget 2
KERN:     add pin widget 3
KERN: build input tree
KERN: hda: build input tree failed
KERN: build tree!
KERN: 	Audiogroup:
KERN: 2: Audio output
KERN: 	Supported power states: 
KERN: 	[Digital] [Format override] [Stereo] 
KERN: 3: Pin complex
KERN: 	[Pres Detect][Output]
KERN: 	Supported power states: 
KERN: 	[CP caps] [Digital] [Conn. list] [Unsol. responses] [Format override] [Amplifier override] [Out amplifier] [Stereo] 
KERN: 	Out Amp: supports mute, step size: 0.25 dB, # steps: 0, offset to 0 dB: 0
KERN: 	Inputs: <2> 
KERN: hda: Enabled unsolicited responses on widget 3
KERN: ENABLE pin widget 3
KERN: UNMUTE/SET OUTPUT GAIN widget 3 (offset 0)
KERN: hda: hda_audio_group_get_widgets failed for  playback stream
KERN: hda: hda_audio_group_get_widgets failed for record stream
KERN: hda: streams playback 0x00000000, record 0x00000000
KERN: hda: Failed to setup new audio function group (No such device)!
KERN: get_description: request_channel_count: 16
KERN: HDA: sample size 4, num channels 2, buffer length 10240
KERN: IRA: hda_stream_setup_buffers: setup stream 1: SR=192000, SF=24 F=0x1831 (0x100)
KERN: hda_stream_setup_buffers(Playback): Allocated 163840 bytes for 2 buffers
KERN: hda_stream_setup_buffers(Playback): Allocated 4096 bytes for 2 BDLEs
KERN: hda: stream: 1 fifo size: 255 num_io_widgets: 4
KERN: hda: widgets: 2 3 4 5 
KERN: HDA: sample size 4, num channels 2, buffer length 10240
KERN: IRA: hda_stream_setup_buffers: setup stream 2: SR=192000, SF=24 F=0x1831 (0x100)
KERN: hda_stream_setup_buffers(Recording): Allocated 163840 bytes for 2 buffers
KERN: hda_stream_setup_buffers(Recording): Allocated 4096 bytes for 2 BDLEs
KERN: hda: stream: 2 fifo size: 159 num_io_widgets: 1
KERN: hda: widgets: 8 
KERN: HDA: sample size 4, num channels 2, buffer length 6144
KERN: IRA: hda_stream_setup_buffers: setup stream 1: SR=96000, SF=24 F=0x831 (0x100)
KERN: hda_stream_setup_buffers(Playback): Allocated 98304 bytes for 2 buffers
KERN: hda_stream_setup_buffers(Playback): Allocated 4096 bytes for 2 BDLEs
KERN: hda: stream: 1 fifo size: 255 num_io_widgets: 4
KERN: hda: widgets: 2 3 4 5 
KERN: HDA: sample size 4, num channels 2, buffer length 10240
KERN: IRA: hda_stream_setup_buffers: setup stream 2: SR=192000, SF=24 F=0x1831 (0x100)
KERN: hda_stream_setup_buffers(Recording): Allocated 163840 bytes for 2 buffers
KERN: hda_stream_setup_buffers(Recording): Allocated 4096 bytes for 2 BDLEs
KERN: hda: stream: 2 fifo size: 159 num_io_widgets: 1
KERN: hda: widgets: 8 
KERN: hda_stream_start() offset 80
KERN: hda_stream_start() offset 0
KERN: runtime_loader: /boot/common/add-ons/media/vstplugins/3BandEQ: Incorrect ELF header
KERN: devfs: reload driver "ice1712" (3, 3146024)
KERN: devfs: reload driver "emuxki" (3, 3146004)
KERN: emuxki: init_hardware()

Change History (9)

comment:1 by Giova84, 11 years ago

I have found another workaround: reboot Haiku > at the bootmanager do a CTR ALT CANC to force reboot of PC > and boot to Haiku. Maybe there is something wrong in reboot/shutdown process?

comment:2 by anevilyak, 11 years ago

It has nothing whatsoever to do with the shutdown/restart process. As was previously stated in #8369, the state the hardware gets left in during warm reboots is not predictable, and there are simply some cases the driver doesn't handle correctly. This is the exact same problem as was reported before.

Version 0, edited 11 years ago by anevilyak (next)

comment:3 by Giova84, 11 years ago

I have found an interesting thing: If I replace the default HDA driver with the HDA driver which Pete Goodeve sent me some months ago (his driver reduce the audio latency) i no longer experience the issue described in the ticket! I will send the link of this ticket to Pete, to understand what his driver does differently from the default one :-)

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by Pete, 11 years ago

Replying to Giova84:

I have found an interesting thing: If I replace the default HDA driver with the HDA driver which Pete Goodeve sent me some months ago (his driver reduce the audio latency) i no longer experience the issue described in the ticket!

Odd. I don't think the modifications to the driver themselves could have any effect. All I did was to add a "load_driver_settings()" call (Driver Settings API), and reset any of the default parameters (sample rate, buffer size & count, etc.) that are in the settings file. If the file is absent, it should have zero effect. (You can see the patch in ticket #9134.)

The only remote possibility I can think of is buffer size. With the AUICH driver on my old machine, as I remember, the default size also was likely to generate silence (as well as having long latency) but I had no trouble once I reduced it. (auich has built in capability to use driver settings.) Dunno if there's anything similar with HDA, but if you still have the settings file and use the modified driver, it might set up a better buffer size.

comment:5 by Giova84, 11 years ago

Hi Pete, thank you for the reply and for the explanation! In anyway (maybe i have understood not correctly - sorry) the fact is that if i use your driver i always got sound after startup. Instead, if i use the default (not yours) HDA driver, after reboot i doesn't obtain sounds in Haiku. Just silence. I have tried again, and i can confirm that your driver solve the situation :-) And i use your HDA driver with the lowest available audio latency, and is ok for me, no issues. The above syslog is when i use the default HDA driver. I can't understand what is gone wrong.

comment:6 by axeld, 11 years ago

Does removing the driver settings for HDA bring the problem back with Pete's driver?

comment:7 by Giova84, 11 years ago

Ok. if i remove the hda.settings file from /boot/home/config/settings/kernel/drivers, at the next reboot i lost sounds again! And if i place again hda.settings in that folder, at the next reboot i propery get sounds in Haiku. So the issue is related to audio latency. If i set a low latency with the hda.settings file, sounds works after reboot!

my hda.settings file is set as: # These settings have been found to give <10ms latency play_sample_rate 96000 play_buffer_frames 256 play_buffer_count 8

which results in a latency of 9.75 ms (as i can see in Cortex)

comment:8 by Giova84, 7 years ago

Maybe, thanks to the work of Barret to the Media Kit, seems that this issue (at least for me) is no longer present.

comment:9 by pulkomandy, 7 years ago

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