Change History for BugTrackerEtiquette

Version Date Author Comment
13 6 years waddlesplash
12 6 years waddlesplash
11 6 years waddlesplash
10 15 years mmadia Attachments now send out email notification -- w00t!
9 15 years mmadia reworded the "Additional "I see this to" ..." sentence
8 15 years mmadia added the underline to visually stress attachment notification
7 15 years mmadia re-ordered the items. removed the setion on md5sum
6 16 years mmadia creating "attachments: include file extensions" blurb. in response to …
5 16 years mmadia applied axel's suggestions as per …
4 16 years mmadia modified first "no personal abuse" and "attachments"
3 16 years mmadia
2 16 years mmadia added a note about user-errors being invalid tickets.
1 16 years mmadia