Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of CodingGuidelines/SubmittingPatches

Apr 29, 2017, 6:14:13 PM (7 years ago)

details on how to format the commit messsage


  • CodingGuidelines/SubmittingPatches

    v11 v12  
    1616 * Create patches from within the ''HAIKU_TOP'' directory. This is the directory that contains ''configure'' and typically is the ''haiku/'' or ''buildtools/'' branch.
    1717        * {{{ git status }}} will display which files are modified, added, or deleted. Use `git diff` to inspect your changes.
    18         * You'll then have to commit the patch locally by adding the changed or added files (`git add my-file my/new/file`), and then do a `git commit`. You will need to enter a complete commit message that will later appear as is in Haiku's repository if your patch is going to be accepted.
     18        * You'll then have to commit the patch locally by adding the changed or added files (`git add my-file my/new/file`), and then do a `git commit`. You will need to enter a complete commit message that will later appear as is in Haiku's repository if your patch is going to be accepted. The first line of the message is the title that should be as discriptive as possible while not exceeding 50 characters. After an empty line you should add a detailed description what you're trying to fix and how. If you solve a ticket in the bugtracker with it, add a "Fixes #{ticketnumber}" at the end.
    1919        * Now, you need to create the actual patch file that you can, for example, attach to a ticket:
    2020                * `git format-patch <commitsha or branch name>` - this will create a file named 0001-your-commit-message.patch. (Note: Depending on your workflow, `git format-patch HEAD~1` may also suffice)