10 | | call matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%>80v.\+', -1) " More than 80 chars on a line |
11 | | call matchadd('ErrorMsg', ' ', -1) " Two spaces (likely wrong indentation) |
12 | | call matchadd('ErrorMsg', 'for(', -1) "for without space |
13 | | call matchadd('ErrorMsg', 'if(', -1) " if without space |
14 | | call matchadd('ErrorMsg', 'select(', -1) |
15 | | call matchadd('ErrorMsg', 'while(', -1) |
16 | | call matchadd('Search', '[a-z-A-Z0-9][,=/+\-*;][a-zA-Z0-9]', -1) " operator with no space around it |
17 | | call matchadd('Search', '[,=/+\-* ]$', -1) " operator or whitespace at end of line |
18 | | |
| 10 | call matchadd('Search', '\%>80v.\+', -1) " line with more than 80 chars |
| 11 | call matchadd('Search', ' ', -1) " probably wrong indenting |
| 12 | call matchadd('Search', '\(for\|if\|select\|while\)(', -1) "keyword without space after it |
| 13 | call matchadd('Search', '[a-zA-Z0-9][,=<>/+\-*;][a-zA-Z0-9]', -1) "operator without space around it |
| 14 | call matchadd('Search', '[^*/][,=/+\-* ]$', -1) "operator at end of line (without false positives on /* and */) |