55 | | |
| 55 | ||Update the recipe/port for exiv2||""||http://www.exiv2.org http://goo.gl/6XcJ5r|| |
| 56 | ||Update the recipe/port for XML-Parser||""||http://goo.gl/YlDepO|| |
| 57 | ||Update the recipe/port for Orphilia||http://goo.gl/riE6YG|| |
| 58 | ||Update the recipe/port for libtorrent-rasterbar||http://goo.gl/xaVEPq|| |
| 59 | ||Update the recipe/port for Doxygen||http://goo.gl/17njwN|| |
| 60 | ||Update the recipe/port for Man so it only uses writable directories||http://goo.gl/BpOrxA|| |
| 61 | ||Create a Haiku build recipe for webrtc||https://code.google.com/p/webrtc/|| |
| 62 | ||Create a Haiku build recipe for SDLU||https://bitbucket.org/sdlu/sdlu/|| |