
Version 1 (modified by humdinger, 9 years ago) ( diff )


Haikuporter recipe task

Haikuporter is our tool to fetch, patch and build source code and create Haiku packages that can then be put into a repository to be installed by the user via HaikuDepot. For this kind of GCI task you have to create a haikuporter recipe, which is a kind of script that automates this process.

Required skills

Depending on the targeted software you may need these skills:

  • Some knowledge of C, C++, git and bash
  • Knowledge of the GNU autotools and/or cmake
  • The package may require some patching to get it to work on Haiku

Required setup

For this task you need to have:

Creating and submitting your recipe

  • Before submitting your work, make sure to test your recipe by creating a hpkg package from it with haikuporter. Double-clicking the hpkg file will open it in HaikuDepot to inspect its contents.
  • Take care to include all required licenses and copyright entries.
  • Submit your work as pull request to haikuports github (see "DevelopmentModel" in the wiki).
  • Submit a screenshot of the package's contents and (if applicable) the running application to the GCI task.

Recommended reading and help

  • Most importantly: all of the [ HaikuPorter wiki.
  • In addition to the wiki, studying working recipes in the haikuports tree can be a big help.
  • The Userguide and Welcome page and the Guides can answer many questions you may have, esp. if you're new to Haiku.
  • Besides requesting assistance by leaving a comment in this task, a trip to the main IRC channel #haiku may prove to be quicker (consider possible timezone differences with your mentors).
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.