Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of i18n/UserGuide

Nov 13, 2009, 8:26:54 PM (15 years ago)

Better explanation of colours and bolding "fuzzy"


  • i18n/UserGuide

    v1 v2  
    2525= The online translation tool =
     26== The status page ==
    2727Thanks to a very nice online tool written by Vincent Duvert, the translating process is easy as can be. Starting point is the page with the [ current translation status] of all documents.
    3333The other columns are for all the different languages. Every entry has a link to "View" the current version of the page or to "Translate" parts of it. It also shows the translation status in percent.
     35== Translating a page ==
    3536Clicking "Translate" will open the document for translation:
    39 Every translatable block has a red backdrop that lights up when the mouse hovers over it. If the backdrop is yellow instead, it means that the original English text has changed, and the translation has become "fuzzy" (this is also reflected in the percentage-display on the status page). A white backdrop signals that this block has been translated and is in sync with the original English version.
     40Every translatable block has a red backdrop that lights up when the mouse hovers over it. If the backdrop is yellow instead, it means that the original English text has changed, and the translation has become "'''fuzzy'''" (this is also reflected in the percentage-display on the status page). A white backdrop signals that this block has been translated and is in sync with the original English version.
     43||white:||translated and in sync with the English original.||
     44||red:||not translated yet.||
     45||yellow:||"fuzzy", review needed - either the English original has been changed or a translator has set the block as incomplete.||
     47== Translating a block ==
    4148If you click a block, the translation panel opens:
    4956The document window is updated live with your newly created text. That way you can keep checking if there's a smooth transition from one block to the next.
    51 In case you are unsure of a translation, or want to save a partial translation and finish it later, check the "Fuzzy" box before clicking "Send Translation".[[BR]]
     58In case you are unsure of a translation, or want to save a partial translation and finish it later, check the "'''Fuzzy'''" box before clicking "Send Translation".[[BR]]
    5259This "fuzzy" flag indicates that a translation for a particular block may be imprecise or unfinished, and needs review. When a part of the original English document changes, translations associated to this part are automatically marked as fuzzy, so the translators can easily spot what needs to be updated.