1 |
2 | Welcome to the Haiku shell.
3 |
4 | ~> uname -v
5 | hrev49876 Nov 23 2015 17:04:41
6 | ~> ffmpeg -version
7 | ffmpeg version 0.11.5
8 | built on Oct 24 2014 09:43:14 with gcc 4.8.3
9 | configuration: --prefix=/packages/ffmpeg-0.11.5-2/.self --bindir=/packages/ffmpeg-0.11.5-2/.self/bin --datadir=/packages/ffmpeg-0.11.5-2/.self/data/ffmpeg --incdir=/packages/ffmpeg-0.11.5-2/.self/develop/headers --libdir=/packages/ffmpeg-0.11.5-2/.self/lib --shlibdir=/packages/ffmpeg-0.11.5-2/.self/lib --mandir=/packages/ffmpeg-0.11.5-2/.self/documentation/man --disable-debug --enable-shared --enable-libvorbis --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvpx --disable-amd3dnow
10 | libavutil 51. 54.100 / 51. 54.100
11 | libavcodec 54. 23.100 / 54. 23.100
12 | libavformat 54. 6.100 / 54. 6.100
13 | libavdevice 54. 0.100 / 54. 0.100
14 | libavfilter 2. 77.100 / 2. 77.100
15 | libswscale 2. 1.100 / 2. 1.100
16 | libswresample 0. 15.100 / 0. 15.100
17 | ~> MediaPlayer
18 | open playlist item: Yellowstone September 2013 029.AVI
19 | [avi @ 0x3630822ca0] non-interleaved AVI
20 | [avi @ 0x36308226c0] non-interleaved AVI
21 | _InitFromTrack(): keyframes: 1, frame count: 1587584
22 | [swscaler @ 0x36309bc880] 136bpp not supported by yuv2rgb
23 | [swscaler @ 0x36309bc880] (null) is not supported as output pixel format
24 | MediaTrackVideoSupplier::_SwitchFormat() - fVideoTrack->DecodedFormat(): General system error - retrying with B_RGB32
25 | should skip -1 lines at bottom!
26 | VideoConsumer::CreateBuffers - ERROR CREATING VIDEO RING BUFFER (Index 0 Width 640 Height 480 Colorspace 8: Out of memory
27 | VideoConsumer::Connected - COULDN'T CREATE BUFFERS
28 | BMediaRoster::Connect: aborting after BBufferConsumer::Connected, status = 0x80000000
29 | VideoProducer::Connect() - consumer error: Out of memory
30 | BMediaRoster::Connect: aborted
31 | Can't connect the video source to the video window... trying without overlays, error: Out of memory
32 | BMediaEventLooper: SchedulingLatency is 100
33 | ~>