1 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_ref_node (ieee80211_send_probereq:1644) 0xce2dd000<00:21:27:ee:3a:e0> refcnt 4
2 | KERN: [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] new probe_resp on chan 8 (bss chan 8) "KERN: DKERN: rKERN: eKERN: wKERN: "KERN: rssi 46
3 | KERN: [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] caps 0x431 bintval 100 erp 0x100
4 | KERN: [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] new beacon on chan 8 (bss chan 8) "KERN: DKERN: rKERN: eKERN: wKERN: "KERN: rssi 45
5 | KERN: [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] caps 0x431 bintval 100 erp 0x100KERN:
6 | KERN: [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] new beacon on chan 8 (bss chan 8) KERN: "DKERN: rKERN: eKERN: wKERN: "KERN: rssi 45
7 | KERN: [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] caps 0x431 bintval 100 erp 0x100KERN:
8 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] scan_task: chan 8g -> 9g [active, dwell min 20ms max 0ms]
9 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_ref_node (ieee80211_send_probereq:1644) 0xce2dd000<00:21:27:ee:3a:e0> refcnt 3
10 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_ref_node (ieee80211_send_probereq:1644) 0xce2dd000<00:21:27:ee:3a:e0> refcnt 4
11 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] scan_task: chan 9g -> 10g [active, dwell min 20ms max 0ms]
12 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_ref_node (ieee80211_send_probereq:1644) 0xce2dd000<00:21:27:ee:3a:e0> refcnt 3
13 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_ref_node (ieee80211_send_probereq:1644) 0xce2dd000<00:21:27:ee:3a:e0> refcnt 4
14 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] scan_task: chan 10g -> 12g [active, dwell min 20ms max 0ms]
15 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_ref_node (ieee80211_send_probereq:1644) 0xce2dd000<00:21:27:ee:3a:e0> refcnt 3
16 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_ref_node (ieee80211_send_probereq:1644) 0xce2dd000<00:21:27:ee:3a:e0> refcnt 4
17 | KERN: [1c:af:f7:42:1f:d6] new probe_resp on chan 12 (bss chan 12) KERN: "UKERN: zKERN: eKERN: mKERN: eKERN: gKERN: yKERN: segKERN: "KERN: rssi 4
18 | KERN: [1c:af:f7:42:1f:d6] caps 0xc31 bintval 100 erp 0x100KERN: country [GB KERN: 1-13,16KERN: ]KERN:
19 | KERN: [74:ea:3a:f2:3e:ec] new probe_resp on chan 12 (bss chan 12) "KERN: EKERN: LKERN: TKERN: EKERN: KERN: -KERN: KERN: GKERN: RKERN: IKERN: FLast message repeated 1 time
20 | KERN: " rssi 3
21 | KERN: [74:ea:3a:f2:3e:ec] caps 0x31 bintval 100 erp 0x102
22 | KERN: [1c:af:f7:42:1f:d6] new beacon on chan 12 (bss chan 12) "KERN: UKERN: zKERN: eKERN: mKERN: eKERN: gKERN: yKERN: sKERN: eKERN: g"KERN: rssi 6
23 | KERN: [1c:af:f7:42:1f:d6] caps 0xc31 bintval 100 erp 0x100 country [GB KERN: 1-13,16KERN: ]KERN:
24 | KERN: [1c:af:f7:42:1f:d6] new beacon on chan 12 (bss chan 12) KERN: "UKERN: zKERN: eKERN: mKERN: eKERN: gKERN: yKERN: sKERN: eKERN: g" rssi 7
25 | KERN: [1c:af:f7:42:1f:d6] caps 0xc31 bintval 100 erp 0x100KERN: country [GB KERN: 1-13,16KERN: ]KERN:
26 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] macaddr bssid chan rssi rate flag wep essid
27 | KERN: - 00:26:5a:33:ae:07 00:26:5a:33:ae:07 KERN: 6 KERN: +23 KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: MKERN: KKERN: MKERN: CKERN: oKERN: nKERN: sKERN: uKERN: lKERN: tKERN: iKERN: nKERN: gKERN: "KERN: !
28 | KERN: - 00:1c:df:3b:5a:5dKERN: 00:1c:df:3b:5a:5d KERN: 1 KERN: +2!KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: TKERN: iKERN: mKERN: iKERN: KERN: eKERN: sKERN: KERN: AKERN: nKERN: dKERN: rKERN: aKERN: sKERN: KERN: hKERN: aKERN: lKERN: oKERN: zKERN: aKERN: tKERN: aKERN: "KERN: !
29 | KERN: - 54:e6:fc:b9:58:92KERN: 54:e6:fc:b9:58:92 KERN: 1 KERN: +7!KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: KKERN: aKERN: rKERN: EKERN: sKERN: zKERN: tKERN: eKERN: rKERN: "KERN: !
30 | KERN: - 74:ea:3a:e0:23:44KERN: 74:ea:3a:e0:23:44 KERN: 1 KERN: +2!KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: BKERN: OLast message repeated 1 time
32 | KERN: - 00:13:f7:31:9d:28KERN: 00:13:f7:31:9d:28 KERN: 6 KERN: +13 KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: no! KERN: "KERN: GKERN: lKERN: oKERN: bKERN: aKERN: lKERN: -KERN: PKERN: rKERN: oKERN: qKERN: uKERN: iKERN: mKERN: "KERN: !
33 | KERN: - 00:1f:33:e2:2e:9cKERN: 00:1f:33:e2:2e:9c KERN: 6 KERN: +17 KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: iKERN: nKERN: dKERN: oKERN: hKERN: aKERN: zKERN: "KERN: !
34 | KERN: - 94:0c:6d:fe:cb:42KERN: 94:0c:6d:fe:cb:42 KERN: 11 KERN: +3!KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: fKERN: iKERN: nKERN: gKERN: iKERN: bKERN: iKERN: nKERN: gKERN: iKERN: "KERN: !
35 | KERN: - 00:1f:1f:82:1d:e4KERN: 00:1f:1f:82:1d:e4 KERN: 11 KERN: +2!KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: DKERN: -KERN: eKERN: pKERN: uKERN: lKERN: eKERN: tKERN: "KERN: !
36 | KERN: - 00:18:39:c6:c2:fbKERN: 00:18:39:c6:c2:fb KERN: 7 KERN: +8 KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: lKERN: inKERN: kKERN: sKERN: yKERN: sKERN: "KERN: !
37 | KERN: - 00:18:f8:7a:bd:24KERN: 00:18:f8:7a:bd:24 KERN: 13 KERN: +5!KERN: 54M KERN: [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] new beacon on chan 8 (bss chan 8) KERN: ess " wep KERN: DKERN: "KERN: rKERN: JKERN: eKERN: AKERN: wKERN: SKERN: "KERN: 1KERN: rssi 47
38 | KERN: "[00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] caps 0x431 bintval 100 erp 0x100KERN: !
39 | KERN:
40 | KERN: - 74:ea:3a:e4:3c:aeKERN: 74:ea:3a:e4:3c:ae KERN: 4 KERN: +19 KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: TKERN: PKERN: -KERN: LKERN: IKERN: NKERN: KKERN: _KERN: EKERN: 4KERN: 3KERN: CKERN: AKERN: EKERN: "KERN: !
41 | KERN: - 20:4e:7f:30:52:08KERN: 20:4e:7f:30:52:08 KERN: 8 KERN: +16 KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: iKERN: hKERN: o"KERN: !
42 | KERN: - 00:19:e0:a1:78:3cKERN: 00:19:e0:a1:78:3c KERN: 5 KERN: +13 KERN: 54M ess wep "Sajto_WIKERN: FKERN: IKERN: "KERN: !
43 | KERN: + 00:21:27:f2:fe:e6KERN: 00:21:27:f2:fe:e6 KERN: 8 KERN: +46 KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: DKERN: rKERN: eKERN: wKERN: "KERN:
44 | KERN: - 1c:af:f7:42:1f:d6KERN: 1c:af:f7:42:1f:d6 KERN: 12 KERN: +4!KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: UKERN: zeKERN: mKERN: eKERN: gKERN: yKERN: sKERN: eg"!
45 | KERN: - 74:ea:3a:f2:3e:ecKERN: 74:ea:3a:f2:3e:ec KERN: 12 KERN: +3!KERN: 54M KERN: ess KERN: wep KERN: "KERN: EKERN: LKERN: TKERN: EKERN: KERN: -KERN: KERN: GKERN: RKERN: IKERN: FLast message repeated 1 time
46 | KERN: "KERN: !
47 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] scan_task: done, [ticks 62522, dwell min 20000 scanend 2147543278]
48 | KERN: ieee80211_notify_scan_done
49 | KERN: wlan_control: 9235, 76
50 | KERN: ifmedia_ioctl: switching wlan to KERN: Type: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet
51 | KERN: Mode: autoselect
52 | KERN: SubType: autoselect
53 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 18
54 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 7
55 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 95
56 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 17
57 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 26
58 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 21
59 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] station assoc via MLME
60 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_alloc_node 0xce2e0000<00:21:27:f2:fe:e6> in station table
61 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] ieee80211_alloc_node: inact_reload 2
62 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] set WME_AC_BE (chan) [acm 0 aifsn 3 logcwmin 4 logcwmax 10 txop 0]
63 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] set WME_AC_BE (bss ) [acm 0 aifsn 3 logcwmin 4 logcwmax 10 txop 0]
64 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] set WME_AC_BK (chan) [acm 0 aifsn 7 logcwmin 4 logcwmax 10 txop 0]
65 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] set WME_AC_BK (bss ) [acm 0 aifsn 7 logcwmin 4 logcwmax 10 txop 0]
66 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] set WME_AC_VI (chan) [acm 0 aifsn 2 logcwmin 3 logcwmax 4 txop 94]
67 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] set WME_AC_VI (bss ) [acm 0 aifsn 2 logcwmin 3 logcwmax 4 txop 94]
68 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] set WME_AC_VO (chan) [acm 0 aifsn 2 logcwmin 2 logcwmax 3 txop 47]
69 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] set WME_AC_VO (bss ) [acm 0 aifsn 2 logcwmin 2 logcwmax 3 txop 47]
70 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] update WME_AC_BE (chan+bss) [acm 0 aifsn 2 logcwmin 4 logcwmax 10 txop 64]
71 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_wme_updateparams_locked: WME params updated, cap_info 0x0
72 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_new_state_locked: SCAN -> AUTH (nrunning 0 nscanning 0)
73 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_newstate_cb: SCAN -> AUTH arg 192
74 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] sta_newstate: SCAN -> AUTH (192)
75 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_ref_node (ieee80211_send_mgmt:1788) 0xce2e0000<00:21:27:f2:fe:e6> refcnt 3
76 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] recv auth frame with algorithm 0 seq 2
77 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_new_state_locked: AUTH -> ASSOC (nrunning 0 nscanning 0)
78 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_newstate_cb: AUTH -> ASSOC arg 0
79 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] sta_newstate: AUTH -> ASSOC (0)
80 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_ref_node (ieee80211_send_mgmt:1788) 0xce2e0000<00:21:27:f2:fe:e6> refcnt 3
81 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] assoc success at aid 1: short preamble, short slot time
82 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_new_state_locked: ASSOC -> RUN (nrunning 0 nscanning 0)
83 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_newstate_cb: ASSOC -> RUN arg 16
84 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] sta_newstate: ASSOC -> RUN (16)
85 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] ieee80211_scan_assoc_success
86 | KERN: ieee80211_notify_node_join
87 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] [00:21:27:f2:fe:e6] ieee80211_node_authorize: inact_reload 20
88 | KERN: /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: media change, media 0x8300a5 quality 1000 speed 10000000
89 | KERN: wlan_control: 9235, 15
90 | KERN: wlan_control: 9235, 1
91 | KERN: wlan_control: 9235, 15
92 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Timeout shift: 4 secs (try 1)
93 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Send DHCP_DISCOVER to
94 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 19
95 | Last message repeated 1 time
96 | KERN: /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: media change, media 0x8300b1 quality 1000 speed 10000000
97 | KERN: [net/atheroswifi/0] ieee80211_find_rxnode_withkey: add key map entry 0xce2e0000<00:21:27:f2:fe:e6> refcnt 4
98 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Timeout shift: 8 secs (try 1)
99 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Send DHCP_DISCOVER to
100 | KERN: /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: media change, media 0x8300af quality 1000 speed 10000000
101 | KERN: ieee80211_notify_replay_failure not implemented, yet.
102 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 19
103 | KERN: /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: media change, media 0x8300b1 quality 1000 speed 10000000
104 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Timeout shift: 2 secs (try 2)
105 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Send DHCP_DISCOVER to
106 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Timeout shift: 4 secs (try 2)
107 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Send DHCP_DISCOVER to
108 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Timeout shift: 8 secs (try 2)
109 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Send DHCP_DISCOVER to
110 | KERN: wlan_control: 9235, 15
111 | KERN: wlan_control: 9235, 78
112 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: DHCP status = Operation timed out
113 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Send DHCP_DISCOVER to
114 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Received DHCP_OFFER from
115 | DAEMON 'DHCP': your_address:
116 | DAEMON 'DHCP': server:
117 | DAEMON 'DHCP': subnet:
118 | DAEMON 'DHCP': lease time: 7200 seconds
119 | DAEMON 'DHCP': gateway:
120 | DAEMON 'DHCP': nameserver[0]:
121 | DAEMON 'DHCP': nameserver[1]:
122 | DAEMON 'DHCP': broadcast:
123 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Send DHCP_REQUEST for to
124 | DAEMON 'DHCP': /dev/net/atheroswifi/0: Received DHCP_ACK from
125 | DAEMON 'DHCP': server:
126 | DAEMON 'DHCP': subnet:
127 | DAEMON 'DHCP': lease time: 7200 seconds
128 | DAEMON 'DHCP': gateway:
129 | DAEMON 'DHCP': nameserver[0]:
130 | DAEMON 'DHCP': nameserver[1]:
131 | DAEMON 'DHCP': broadcast:
132 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 19
133 | Last message repeated 3 times
134 | KERN: ahci: AHCIPort::ScsiReadCapacity port 1
135 | KERN: ahci: SectorSize 512, SectorCount 0x1d1c5970
136 | KERN: ahci: sg_memcpy phyAddr 0x1146a6e0, size 8
137 | KERN: dosfs_mkdir: error creating directory entry for RECYCLED (File or Directory already exists))
138 | KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 19