Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#12858 closed bug (no change required)

Screenshot application: the "Copy to clipoboard" button does nothing.

Reported by: Giova84 Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/Screenshot Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


If I open the Screenshot application and then I press on the "Copy to clipboard" button, and then I attempt to paste such image in any other application (eg: WonderBrush, Gobe, EasyPaint) nothing will happen, as if the "Copy to clipboard" leads to nothing.


Change History (7)

comment:1 by jscipione, 9 years ago

Works for me, tested on hrev40357 Copy to Clipboard button works as expected, pastes into Wonderbrush as expected.

comment:2 by Giova84, 9 years ago

Hi John, so this could be a fault of my system: what I can attempt to check?

comment:3 by Giova84, 9 years ago

If I do a

clipboard -d

from a terminal window after clicking on "Copy to clipboard" from the Screenshot app I get

BMessage('DATA') {
        image/bitmap = BMessage(0x0) {
                class = string("BBitmap", 8 bytes)
                _frame = BRect(l:0.0, t:0.0, r:1359.0, b:767.0)
                _cspace = int32(0x8 or 8)
                _bmflags = int32(0x0 or 0)
                _rowbytes = int32(0x1540 or 5440)
                _data = (type = 'RAWT')(size = 4177920)

Seems ok, but in fact I cannot paste such image in any applications: the "Paste" entries is gray.

comment:4 by jscipione, 9 years ago

It looks like the Copy to Clipboard part is working, at least it is receiving some bitmap data. From the looks of it you are getting a 1400x768 bitmap which most likely matches your screen resolution. I tested taking a full screen screenshot and I get similar output from clipboard -d. Data type is also 'RAWT' for me. Pasting into Wonderbrush works for me. Maybe this could be mime type issue?

comment:5 by Giova84, 9 years ago

Ok, I have some news about:

In WonderBrush - as I've said - the "paste" option is gray, as if I don't have any clipboard to paste; however if inside WonderBrush I hit CTRL+V (in Haiku I set CTRL as shortcut key) I am able to paste the screenshot from the clipboard, but I am unable to do the same (via CTRL+V) in any other applications which are able to accept clipboard images (eg: Gobe Productive, EasyPaint and Scribus): IIRC, once I was able to paste the clipboard image in every application.

Let me know if I can investigate further.

comment:6 by humdinger, 9 years ago

I can paste into WonderBrush and ArtPaint (hrev50410 here). That WonderBrush greys out the "Object" menu items is a bug/lacking feature in WonderBrush. (Something's amiss with WB's clipboard anyway; some things sometimes only seem to work when using the menu, other stuff when using the keycombo.)

comment:7 by waddlesplash, 8 years ago

Resolution: no change required
Status: newclosed
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