Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#14129 closed bug (fixed)

TLS/pthread crash

Reported by: miqlas Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta2
Component: System/ Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86-64


Since some days i experience strange crashes with "ag" (the silver searcher) on the new laptop.

It worked very well with the old one and except the hardware nothing changed (but maybe i updated some Haiku revision without noticing this)

It is possible that it is a bug in Ag, which got not triggered on the earlier slow hardware but happens on the new wich much faster.

Tried to build it with -g and using with, even with Ag's own -D debug flag.

See the attached crashlogs.

Attachments (4) (10.2 KB ) - added by miqlas 7 years ago.
Crashlog - DynamicThreadVector (29.8 KB ) - added by miqlas 7 years ago.
Crashlog - _kern_mutex_lock (12.9 KB ) - added by miqlas 7 years ago.
Crashlog - get_tls_address (23.2 KB ) - added by miqlas 7 years ago.
Crashlog - FreeChunk::Size

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (15)

by miqlas, 7 years ago

Crashlog - DynamicThreadVector

by miqlas, 7 years ago

Crashlog - _kern_mutex_lock

by miqlas, 7 years ago

Crashlog - get_tls_address

by miqlas, 7 years ago

Crashlog - FreeChunk::Size

comment:1 by miqlas, 7 years ago

Btw: Ag is in Haikuports, that is the one wich is crashing. Tested with earlier version, they are crashing too. Never ever happend this before, i'm sure, as it is one of my main productivity-tool i use it really extensively and used every earlier version from the HaikuPorts repo on x86_64 so no arch change happend.

comment:2 by korli, 7 years ago

which hpkgs are installed?

comment:3 by miqlas, 7 years ago

I created an issue at "Ag" github too:

comment:5 by miqlas, 7 years ago

I'm not well educated in reading backtraces, so maybe it is normal, but my gut says something wrong happens here as i see backtrace output mixed with freebsd sources. (I searched for something in the freebsd source tree as it happend)

comment:6 by korli, 7 years ago

I mean the list of hpkgs.

Version 0, edited 7 years ago by korli (next)

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by miqlas, 7 years ago

Replying to korli:

I mean the list of hpkgs, or a syslog.

Can't provide it right now. Will do later.

Is it possible to tell from this backtraces if it is a bug in Ag or in Haiku?

comment:8 by korli, 7 years ago

Not exactly, you could try an older version of Haiku to check if a Haiku update triggered these crash.

comment:9 by miqlas, 7 years ago

Tested with earlier Haiku nightly: crashes. Maybe the newer hardware triggers something somewhere.

comment:10 by waddlesplash, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in hrev52662 (and fix merged into r1beta1 also.)

comment:11 by nielx, 5 years ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1/beta2

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