Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #14575

Oct 2, 2018, 1:28:06 AM (6 years ago)


  • Ticket #14575

    • Property Summary BSlider order of operations issue when value 0BSlider label value set issues at min.
  • Ticket #14575 – Description

    initial v1  
    11I noticed this through the DriveSetup app.
    3 1) Create a new partition.
    4 2) Slide the size to the right (max)
    5 3) Take note of the size in the text box and label. (correct)
    6 4) Slide the size down to 0.
    7 5) The TextControl is the correct size (0) while the label at the top is a random size.
    8 6) Sliding over and over to the minimum results in a wide range of numbers as the "minimum" size.
     3* Create a new partition.
     4* Slide the size to the right (max)
     5* Take note of the size in the text box and label. (correct)
     6* Slide the size down to 0.
     7* The TextControl is the correct size (0) while the label at the top is a random size.
     8* Sliding over and over to the minimum results in a wide range of numbers as the "minimum" size.
    1010During the slide, Size() in Support.cpp SizeSlider is equal to the random number.  SetSize however is equal to the correct "0" value at min.
    12 I feel like this could be an ordering issue when setting values / calling the BMessage for modification of value.
     12What's odd is the max value seems to work consistently.
    14 What's odd is the max value seems to work consistently.
     15You can also reproduce this by:
     16* Drag slider to minimum position and release
     17* Note the Partition Size of != 0 bytes
     18* Click on the slider half way through the bar.. the Partition Size jumps to 0 bytes while the size text box jumps to the correct size.