Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#14609 closed bug (invalid)

Sound stopped working with hrev 52295+100

Reported by: T.Knez Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Audio & Video Version: R1/beta1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86-64


Sound stopped working on my Thinkpad X61s with the latest version of R1/beta1. Currently running hrev 52295+100 with no working sound. Reverting to a state where hrev 52295+96 is active makes sound work again out of the box on the X61s.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 6 years ago

There aren't any commits in that range that would affect HDA at all. Are you sure that it didn't work before only due to a "warm reboot" from another OS?

comment:2 by T.Knez, 6 years ago

The Thinkpad in question runs Haiku exclusively, so that can't be the reason why I'm having this issue. I'm going to try to boot the latest R1/beta1 from USB to see if it's just my install that's acting up for some reason.

comment:3 by T.Knez, 6 years ago

Tried with a fresh install with 52295+100 and the problem persists. No sound, but works in 52295+96. Tested with cold boots every time. Haiku is the only OS on the machine.

comment:4 by waddlesplash, 6 years ago

That doesn't seem to make any sense at all. Can you please paste syslogs from both boots?

comment:5 by T.Knez, 6 years ago

I messed up somehow. BeAE was the culprit all along. Removing BeAE from the system gave me sound back, both in +96 and +100. Ticked can be closed/deleted etc.

comment:6 by korli, 6 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

comment:7 by humdinger, 6 years ago

If that is reproducible, an issue should be opened at BeAE, I suppose.

comment:8 by nielx, 5 years ago

Remove milestone for tickets with status = closed and resolution != fixed

comment:9 by mmlr, 5 years ago

This seems odd, as having a userland application installed shouldn't be able to break audio system wide like this. This might be affected by hrev54464, the changes in the given revision range plus the installation/removal of additional packages might just change the boot timing enough for the issue to appear/disappear. Please retest with a nightly >= hrev54464.

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