Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#14776 new bug

Reproducible Tracker Query crash

Reported by: miqlas Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/Tracker Version: R1/Development
Keywords: tracker, query, crash, attribute Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Steps to reproduce: Create a Query: Audio, with attribute, Author contains * Tracker will list all the known media files from your disks.

Now copy the Attribute-Layout (Columns) from another Tracker window and try to insert it into the Query window.

My copied layout was: Name, Album, Artist, Title

Happens on x86_64 with hrev52677.

Attachments (1) (32.4 KB ) - added by miqlas 5 years ago.
Crash debuglog

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by miqlas, 5 years ago

Crash debuglog

comment:1 by miqlas, 5 years ago

Query had 4000+ results, maybe it doesn't happens with less...

comment:2 by waddlesplash, 5 years ago

Looks like something threw an uncaught exception. Reproducible?

comment:3 by miqlas, 5 years ago

<waddlesplash> extrowerk: is that tracker crash reproducible?
<extrowerk> on my side yes
<waddlesplash> OK
<extrowerk> but it needs plenty query results, it doesn't happen with 10-20 results
<extrowerk> was my description understandable? i use Haiku on my native language, so i don't really know how theese features called in english locale.
<waddlesplash> yes, it's understandable
<waddlesplash> hmm, interesting it doesn't happen with 10-20
<extrowerk> lemme redo
<extrowerk> waddlesplash:  after inserting the layout i had to right click on a file.
<extrowerk> but i got a screenshot for you: (1)
<waddlesplash> yes, that's what the crash is doing
<waddlesplash> er, what it's doing at the time of the crash (building the right click menu)
<extrowerk> see, it says: 487 element while it is definetely more than 4000, i think it is in the middle of rebuilding the list.
<extrowerk> interesting, that tracker shows like no file got any attribute, while all of them have.
<extrowerk> so it is unable to populkate the attribs for some reason
<extrowerk> maybe a broken attrib? wrong encoding? or something like that?
<extrowerk> and here is the new report: (2)
<extrowerk> slightly different than the earlier
<waddlesplash> that crash dialog is pretty wide; maybe we should move "write core" into a submenu
<waddlesplash> extrowerk: ah, it may be a locking/memory issue then; try waiting until the list fully rebuilds and then see if it still crashes
<waddlesplash> if it doesn't, then that makes it easier to diagnose
<extrowerk> waddlesplash: but it doesn't finish repopulating the list.... It should have 4492 elements, but it shows only 485 and nothing more.
<waddlesplash> oh, weird
<extrowerk> but in the same time Tracker already hangs somewhere, because the folder icons in another Tracker window gets replaced by the unknown document white page icon
<extrowerk> Stage one: Query results: notice the 4k+ results: (3)
<extrowerk> Stage 2 copying and inserting the layout:
<waddlesplash> ah interesting
<waddlesplash> something going wrong with threading/locking for sure then
<waddlesplash> please add this info to the ticket
<extrowerk> (4)
<extrowerk> Not yet crashed, but something already broken: Tracker cant open new windows, even the printscreen button is dead.

comment:4 by waddlesplash, 5 years ago

Component: - GeneralApplications/Tracker
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