Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#15295 new bug

System sounds not played when triggered — at Initial Version

Reported by: ArDrakho Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Kits/Media Kit Version: R1/beta1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


I placed my collection of system sounds into the '/boot/home/config/settings/Sounds' directory. Then, I assigned some of these tested sounds via the 'Sounds' preferences applet to the following system sound options:

'Beep', 'Error nofification', 'Important nofification', 'Information nofification', 'Key down', 'Key up', 'Mouse down', 'Mouse up', 'Progress nofification', 'Startup', 'Window activated', 'Window close', 'Window minimized', 'Window open', 'Window restored', 'Window zoomed'.

After rebooting and/or restarting the Media Services, fifteen of the assigned sounds are not activated (i.e. played) when a triggering event occurs. The only system sound that is played when triggered is 'Beep'.

NOTE: The 'Startup' sound issue is being address in Bug #1902.

Change History (1)

by ArDrakho, 5 years ago

Attachment: Sounds Prefs.png added

Sounds Preference Applet showing sound file assignmentsto system sounds options.

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