Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #15448, comment 50

Nov 22, 2021, 8:16:05 AM (2 years ago)


  • Ticket #15448, comment 50

    initial v1  
    11Hi, no nothing stupid of course. You're just running into the situation the file gets lost by the reset. You could try:
    2 - push reset button for a short type: the idea is that the OS saves all cached data to file and reboot after that. On older systems, where the reset is a hardware button, instead of a software (like) button, this will not work.
     2- push reset button for a short time: the idea is that the OS saves all cached data to file and reboot after that. On older systems, where the reset is a hardware button, instead of a software (like) button, this will not work.
    33- Other method: shortly press <Alt><Ctl><Del>. This will bring up a haiku dialog that lets you kill processes etc, but you will not see it of course. Wait a few seconds. Now press that combination again, this time for at least 5 seconds, until you hear the system restarting.
    44- Does the system have a hardware serial port? You could try connecting a second system with a terminal program to that port. Settings are (I think) 115200, 8, 1. The syslog is written to that port as well (com1) so you could grab it from there.