Opened 5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#16399 closed bug (fixed)

[Input] Crash on right click on mouse buttons

Reported by: bitigchi Owned by: PreetpalKaur
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Preferences/Input Version: R1/beta2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


This is hrev54418.


  • Open Input
  • Switch to a mouse or tablet
  • Right click on one of the E, G, or P buttons

Input preferences crashes.

Debug information for team /boot/system/preferences/Input (686):
CPU(s): 1x Intel Core™ i5-8259U
Memory: 1.95 GiB total, 318.50 MiB used
Haiku revision: hrev54381 Jul  2 2020 06:03:10 (x86_64)

Active Threads:
	thread 686: Input (main)
	thread 695: team 686 debug task 
	thread 691: w>Girdi Aygıtları 
		state: Exception (Segment violation)

		Frame		IP			Function Name
		0x7fed1b1e9e70	0x17e681d12e2	MouseView::MouseDown(BPoint) + 0x272 
				0x0000017e681d1070:               55  push %rbp
				0x0000017e681d1071:           4889e5  mov %rsp, %rbp
				0x0000017e681d1074:             4157  push %r15
				0x0000017e681d1076:             4156  push %r14
				0x0000017e681d1078:           4989f6  mov %rsi, %r14
				0x0000017e681d107b:             4155  push %r13
				0x0000017e681d107d:             4154  push %r12
				0x0000017e681d107f:           4989fc  mov %rdi, %r12
				0x0000017e681d1082:               53  push %rbx
				0x0000017e681d1083:   4881ecd8020000  sub $0x2d8, %rsp
				0x0000017e681d108a:       e87199ffff  call 0x17e681caa00
				0x0000017e681d108f:           4889c7  mov %rax, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d1092:       e8b99cffff  call 0x17e681cad50
				0x0000017e681d1097:             31d2  xor %edx, %edx
				0x0000017e681d1099:   488d35042d0000  lea 0x2d04(%rip), %rsi
				0x0000017e681d10a0:           4889c7  mov %rax, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d10a3:           4889c3  mov %rax, %rbx
				0x0000017e681d10a6:       e8058dffff  call 0x17e681c9db0
				0x0000017e681d10ab:             31d2  xor %edx, %edx
				0x0000017e681d10ad:   488d35f82c0000  lea 0x2cf8(%rip), %rsi
				0x0000017e681d10b4:           4889df  mov %rbx, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d10b7: 4189842460010000  mov %eax, 0x160(%r12)
				0x0000017e681d10bf:       e8ec8cffff  call 0x17e681c9db0
				0x0000017e681d10c4:             a804  test $0x4, %al
				0x0000017e681d10c6:             7416  jz 0x681d10de
				0x0000017e681d10c8:           83e002  and $0x2, %eax
				0x0000017e681d10cb:           83f801  cmp $0x1, %eax
				0x0000017e681d10ce:             19c0  sbb %eax, %eax
				0x0000017e681d10d0:           83e0fe  and $0xfffffffe, %eax
				0x0000017e681d10d3:           83c004  add $0x4, %eax
				0x0000017e681d10d6: 4189842460010000  mov %eax, 0x160(%r12)
				0x0000017e681d10de:   488d8540fdffff  lea -0x2c0(%rbp), %rax
				0x0000017e681d10e5:           4889c3  mov %rax, %rbx
				0x0000017e681d10e8:           4889c7  mov %rax, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d10eb:   48898518fdffff  mov %rax, -0x2e8(%rbp)
				0x0000017e681d10f2:       e8d994ffff  call 0x17e681ca5d0
				0x0000017e681d10f7:           4889de  mov %rbx, %rsi
				0x0000017e681d10fa:           4c89e7  mov %r12, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d10fd:       e85e8bffff  call 0x17e681c9c60
				0x0000017e681d1102: 418b842460010000  mov 0x160(%r12), %eax
				0x0000017e681d110a: 4139842464010000  cmp %eax, 0x164(%r12)
				0x0000017e681d1112:     0f8550020000  jnz 0x17e681d1368
				0x0000017e681d1118: 418b84245c010000  mov 0x15c(%r12), %eax
				0x0000017e681d1120:           83f806  cmp $0x6, %eax
				0x0000017e681d1123:     0f8f7d020000  jg 0x17e681d13a6
				0x0000017e681d1129:           8d50ff  lea -0x1(%rax), %edx
				0x0000017e681d112c:           4863d2  movsxd %edx, %rdx
				0x0000017e681d112f: 488d0cd500000000  lea (%rdx,8), %rcx
				0x0000017e681d1137:           4829d1  sub %rdx, %rcx
				0x0000017e681d113a:           4889ca  mov %rcx, %rdx
				0x0000017e681d113d:   488d0ddc2c0000  lea 0x2cdc(%rip), %rcx
				0x0000017e681d1144:         4c8d3c91  lea (%rcx,%rdx,4), %r15
				0x0000017e681d1148:             85c0  test %eax, %eax
				0x0000017e681d114a:     0f88f5010000  js 0x17e681d1345
				0x0000017e681d1150:   488d8570fdffff  lea -0x290(%rbp), %rax
				0x0000017e681d1157:             31db  xor %ebx, %ebx
				0x0000017e681d1159:   4c8dade0fdffff  lea -0x220(%rbp), %r13
				0x0000017e681d1160:   48898528fdffff  mov %rax, -0x2d8(%rbp)
				0x0000017e681d1167:             eb18  jmp 0x17e681d1181
				0x0000017e681d1169:   0f1f8000000000  nop (%rax)
				0x0000017e681d1170:           83c301  add $0x1, %ebx
				0x0000017e681d1173: 41399c245c010000  cmp %ebx, 0x15c(%r12)
				0x0000017e681d117b:     0f8cc4010000  jl 0x17e681d1345
				0x0000017e681d1181:             89d9  mov %ebx, %ecx
				0x0000017e681d1183:           4c89fa  mov %r15, %rdx
				0x0000017e681d1186:           4c89e6  mov %r12, %rsi
				0x0000017e681d1189:           4c89ef  mov %r13, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d118c:       e88f9cffff  call 0x17e681cae20
				0x0000017e681d1191:           498b06  mov (%r14), %rax
				0x0000017e681d1194:   488bb528fdffff  mov -0x2d8(%rbp), %rsi
				0x0000017e681d119b:           4c89ef  mov %r13, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d119e:   48898570fdffff  mov %rax, -0x290(%rbp)
				0x0000017e681d11a5:       e8469bffff  call 0x17e681cacf0
				0x0000017e681d11aa:             84c0  test %al, %al
				0x0000017e681d11ac:             74c2  jz 0x681d1170
				0x0000017e681d11ae:           498b06  mov (%r14), %rax
				0x0000017e681d11b1:   488bbd18fdffff  mov -0x2e8(%rbp), %rdi
				0x0000017e681d11b8:           4c89ee  mov %r13, %rsi
				0x0000017e681d11bb:   488985e0fdffff  mov %rax, -0x220(%rbp)
				0x0000017e681d11c2:       e8d991ffff  call 0x17e681ca3a0
				0x0000017e681d11c7:             84c0  test %al, %al
				0x0000017e681d11c9:     0f8476010000  jz 0x17e681d1345
				0x0000017e681d11cf:             89de  mov %ebx, %esi
				0x0000017e681d11d1:           4c89e7  mov %r12, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d11d4:       e85792ffff  call 0x17e681ca430
				0x0000017e681d11d9:       b901000000  mov $0x1, %ecx
				0x0000017e681d11de:       ba01000000  mov $0x1, %edx
				0x0000017e681d11e3:           4c89ef  mov %r13, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d11e6:           4189c7  mov %eax, %r15d
				0x0000017e681d11e9:     41b801000000  mov $0x1, %r8d
				0x0000017e681d11ef:   488d35c02b0000  lea 0x2bc0(%rip), %rsi
				0x0000017e681d11f6:     89850cfdffff  mov %eax, -0x2f4(%rbp)
				0x0000017e681d11fc:       e82f8dffff  call 0x17e681c9f30
				0x0000017e681d1201:   488b9d28fdffff  mov -0x2d8(%rbp), %rbx
				0x0000017e681d1208:       be6d6d5550  mov $0x50556d6d, %esi
				0x0000017e681d120d:           4889df  mov %rbx, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d1210:       e81b8affff  call 0x17e681c9c30
				0x0000017e681d1215:           4489fa  mov %r15d, %edx
				0x0000017e681d1218:   488d35a0270000  lea 0x27a0(%rip), %rsi
				0x0000017e681d121f:           4889df  mov %rbx, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d1222:       e80990ffff  call 0x17e681ca230
				0x0000017e681d1227:   488d8538fdffff  lea -0x2c8(%rbp), %rax
				0x0000017e681d122e:     41bf01000000  mov $0x1, %r15d
				0x0000017e681d1234:   48898520fdffff  mov %rax, -0x2e0(%rbp)
				0x0000017e681d123b:       0f1f440000  nop (%rax,%rax)
				0x0000017e681d1240:   488bbd20fdffff  mov -0x2e0(%rbp), %rdi
				0x0000017e681d1247:           4489fa  mov %r15d, %edx
				0x0000017e681d124a:   488d35742b0000  lea 0x2b74(%rip), %rsi
				0x0000017e681d1251:             31c0  xor %eax, %eax
				0x0000017e681d1253:       e83896ffff  call 0x17e681ca890
				0x0000017e681d1258:       bf70000000  mov $0x70, %edi
				0x0000017e681d125d:       e88e93ffff  call 0x17e681ca5f0
				0x0000017e681d1262:   488bb528fdffff  mov -0x2d8(%rbp), %rsi
				0x0000017e681d1269:           4889c7  mov %rax, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d126c:           4889c3  mov %rax, %rbx
				0x0000017e681d126f:       e8ec96ffff  call 0x17e681ca960
				0x0000017e681d1274:       bfa0000000  mov $0xa0, %edi
				0x0000017e681d1279:       e87289ffff  call 0x17e681c9bf0
				0x0000017e681d127e:   488bb520fdffff  mov -0x2e0(%rbp), %rsi
				0x0000017e681d1285:           4889da  mov %rbx, %rdx
				0x0000017e681d1288:           4531c0  xor %r8d, %r8d
				0x0000017e681d128b:             31c9  xor %ecx, %ecx
				0x0000017e681d128d:           4889c7  mov %rax, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d1290:   48898510fdffff  mov %rax, -0x2f0(%rbp)
				0x0000017e681d1297:           4889c3  mov %rax, %rbx
				0x0000017e681d129a:       e8219bffff  call 0x17e681cadc0
				0x0000017e681d129f:           4889de  mov %rbx, %rsi
				0x0000017e681d12a2:           4c89ef  mov %r13, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d12a5:       e81688ffff  call 0x17e681c9ac0
				0x0000017e681d12aa:         4183c701  add $0x1, %r15d
				0x0000017e681d12ae:         4183ff07  cmp $0x7, %r15d
				0x0000017e681d12b2:             758c  jnz 0x681d1240
				0x0000017e681d12b4: 498bbc2410010000  mov 0x110(%r12), %rdi
				0x0000017e681d12bc:     8bb50cfdffff  mov -0x2f4(%rbp), %esi
				0x0000017e681d12c2:       e86990ffff  call 0x17e681ca330
				0x0000017e681d12c7:             31f6  xor %esi, %esi
				0x0000017e681d12c9:             85c0  test %eax, %eax
				0x0000017e681d12cb:             7508  jnz 0x681d12d5
				0x0000017e681d12cd:             eb0b  jmp 0x17e681d12da
				0x0000017e681d12cf:               90  nop 
				0x0000017e681d12d0:             d1e8  shr $0x1, %eax
				0x0000017e681d12d2:           83c601  add $0x1, %esi
				0x0000017e681d12d5:           83f801  cmp $0x1, %eax
				0x0000017e681d12d8:             75f6  jnz 0x681d12d0
				0x0000017e681d12da:           4c89ef  mov %r13, %rdi
				0x0000017e681d12dd:       e81e8effff  call 0x17e681ca100
				0x0000017e681d12e2:           488b10  mov (%rax), %rdx <--

			Frame memory:
				[0x7fed1b1e9b60]  ..c/......c/....   e0 c9 63 2f db 10 00 00 80 c6 63 2f 04 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9b70]  .6h/............   a0 36 68 2f db 10 00 00 a0 9b 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9b80]  ................   98 9b 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00 d0 9b 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9b90]  ..g/....6..D...C   a0 19 67 2f db 10 00 00 36 00 01 44 00 80 c4 43
				[0x7fed1b1e9ba0]  ..3.............   18 8c 33 dc 08 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 08 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9bb0]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7f 00 00 00 b3 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9bc0]  ..g/....@\T/....   00 bb 67 2f db 10 00 00 40 5c 54 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9bd0]  ..2.....mmUP....   e8 f9 32 dc 08 01 00 00 6d 6d 55 50 db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9be0]   8g/.....Zg/....   20 38 67 2f db 10 00 00 c0 5a 67 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9bf0]  ..g/............   80 99 67 2f db 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9c00]  ................   03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9c10]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9c20]  .7g/....p.......   c0 37 67 2f db 10 00 00 70 9d 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9c30]  .7g/............   c0 37 67 2f db 10 00 00 d0 9d 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9c40]  ..3.........%I.B   f0 85 33 dc 08 01 00 00 d6 ff ff ff 25 49 82 42
				[0x7fed1b1e9c50]  r.........g/....   72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 99 67 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9c60]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9c70]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9c80]  ........D.......   10 9d 1e 1b 00 00 00 00 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9c90]  ... ............   00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff
				[0x7fed1b1e9ca0]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9cb0]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9cc0]  .........../....   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9cd0]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9ce0]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9cf0]  ..........h/....   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 18 68 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d00]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d10]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d20]  ..........f/....   00 00 00 00 db 10 00 00 10 b9 66 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d30]  ........C.......   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 43 a2 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d40]  .........]......   80 9d 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00 ed 5d 01 00 d8 01 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d50]  ..........4.....   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 16 34 dc 08 01 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d60]   ;h/............   20 3b 68 2f db 10 00 00 14 00 00 00 06 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d70]  ..........T/....   14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 c7 54 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d80]  ..`A...@...A....   00 00 60 41 00 00 00 40 00 00 a0 41 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9d90]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9da0]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9db0]  ................   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf
				[0x7fed1b1e9dc0]  ................   00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 00 00 80 bf 05 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9dd0]  ................   01 00 00 00 ed 7f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9de0]  ................   00 00 00 00 db 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9df0]   [g/......g/....   20 5b 67 2f db 10 00 00 c0 99 67 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9e00]   ...............   20 9e 1e 1b 00 01 00 01 01 01 00 00 01 00 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9e10]  ..........V/....   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 56 2f ff ff ff ff
				[0x7fed1b1e9e20]  `.d/......Z/....   60 9c 64 2f db 10 00 00 98 98 5a 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9e30]  `.......`.d/....   60 9e 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00 60 9c 64 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9e40]   -V/....`.d/....   20 2d 56 2f db 10 00 00 60 9c 64 2f db 10 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9e50]  ..Z/....C.......   98 98 5a 2f db 10 00 00 43 a2 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00
				[0x7fed1b1e9e60]  ................   f0 9f 1e 1b ed 7f 00 00 a6 8b 02 dc 08 01 00 00
		0x7fed1b1ea000	0x108dc028ba4	BView::MessageReceived(BMessage*) + 0x314 
		0x7fed1b1ea230	0x108dc031bee	BWindow::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*) + 0xb3e 
		0x7fed1b1ea2c0	0x108dc02d23b	BWindow::task_looper() + 0x1bb 
		0x7fed1b1ea2e0	0x108dbf71a1b	BLooper::_task0_(void*) + 0x1b 
		0x7fed1b1ea300	0x1d7fff89fe7	thread_entry + 0x17 
		00000000	0x7ff23649c260	commpage_thread_exit + 0 

			  rip:	0x0000017e681d12e2
			  rsp:	0x00007fed1b1e9b60
			  rbp:	0x00007fed1b1e9e60
			  rax:	0x0000000000000000
			  rbx:	0x000010db2f6836a0
			  rcx:	0x000010db2f677aa0
			  rdx:	0x0000000000000000
			  rsi:	0x0000000000000016
			  rdi:	0x00007fed1b1e9d58
			   r8:	0x0000000000000000
			   r9:	0x0000000000000000
			  r10:	0x0000000000000000
			  r11:	0x0000000000000000
			  r12:	0x000010db2f562d20
			  r13:	0x00007fed1b1e9c40
			  r14:	0x00007fed1b1e9f50
			  r15:	0x0000000000000007
			   cs:	0x002b
			   ds:	0x0000
			   es:	0x0000
			   fs:	0x0000
			   gs:	0x0000
			   ss:	0x0023
			  st0:	0
			  st1:	0
			  st2:	0
			  st3:	0
			  st4:	3.25e+04
			  st5:	0.99
			  st6:	4e+05
			  st7:	9.91e+08
			  mm0:	{0, 0, 0, 0}
			  mm1:	{0, 0, 0, 0}
			  mm2:	{0, 0, 0, 0}
			  mm3:	{0, 0, 0, 0}
			  mm4:	{0, 0, 0, 0xfd9a}
			  mm5:	{0x7000, 0xa3d, 0xa3d7, 0xfd70}
			  mm6:	{0, 0, 0xe000, 0xc383}
			  mm7:	{0x907a, 0x7ebb, 0x8b76, 0xec4d}
			 xmm0:	{0x3, 0x7, 0x4e47, 0x4c4f, 0x1, 0, 0x4, 0}
			 xmm1:	{0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff}
			 xmm2:	{0xffff, 0xffff, 0xb, 0, 0x1, 0, 0x5, 0}
			 xmm3:	{0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff}
			 xmm4:	{0x1, 0, 0x4, 0, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff}
			 xmm5:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			 xmm6:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			 xmm7:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			 xmm8:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			 xmm9:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			xmm10:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			xmm11:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			xmm12:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			xmm13:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			xmm14:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			xmm15:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

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	2038	0x5286cde000	0x5286cea000	0x5286ee9000	0x5286eeb000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2033	0x6b9f131000	0x6b9f293000	0x6b9f493000	0x6b9f4a7000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2035	0x9a48acf000	0x9a48ae5000	0x9a48ce4000	0x9a48ce5000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2044	0xe99c962000	0xe99ca2e000	0xe99cc2d000	0xe99cc2e000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2042	0xfc18808000	0xfc1899c000	0xfc18b9c000	0xfc18bb1000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2041	0xfe679c9000	0xfe679f7000	0xfe67bf7000	0xfe67c2b000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2032	0x108dbe1a000	0x108dc12f000	0x108dc32f000	0x108dc35d000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2043	0x14190f07000	0x14190f23000	0x14191122000	0x14191123000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2040	0x14e4d926000	0x14e4d931000	0x14e4db31000	0x14e4db32000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2039	0x16e84526000	0x16e8457a000	0x16e8477a000	0x16e8477d000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2031	0x17e681b9000	0x17e681d7000	0x17e683d6000	0x17e683d9000	app    	/boot/system/preferences/Input
	2030	0x18054c05000	0x18054c26000	0x18054e25000	0x18054e27000	lib    	/boot/system/runtime_loader
	2037	0x193aa38b000	0x193aa607000	0x193aa807000	0x193aa81c000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2034	0x1d7fff4d000	0x1d800059000	0x1d800259000	0x1d8002ab000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	2029	0x7ff23649c000	0x7ff2364a4000	0x00000000	0x00000000	system 	commpage

	ID		Base		End			Size (KiB)	Protection	Locking			Name
	6755	0x60000000	0x60001000	         4	rw-S, u:(0x100)	full          	server_memory
	6757	0x68000000	0x68020000	       128	rw-S, u:(0x100)	full          	server_memory
	6708	0xd4b89d000	0xd4b8ad000	        64	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	6722	0x425ccc6000	0x425e546000	     25088	r-x        	full 
	6723	0x425e745000	0x425e746000	         4	rw-        	full 
	6726	0x5286cde000	0x5286cea000	        48	r-x        	full 
	6727	0x5286ee9000	0x5286eeb000	         8	rw-        	full 
	6714	0x6b9f131000	0x6b9f293000	      1416	r-x        	full 
	6715	0x6b9f493000	0x6b9f49f000	        48	rw-        	full 
	6716	0x6b9f49f000	0x6b9f4a7000	        32	rw-        	full 
	6709	0x7f0e5d6000	0x7f0e5d7000	         4	rw-S, u:(0x100)	full          	_rld_debug_
	6741	0x8439fa9000	0x8439fb1000	        32	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	6742	0x880bef6000	0x880bf06000	        64	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	6743	0x92689ae000	0x92689be000	        64	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	6744	0x93aeeca000	0x93aeee2000	        96	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	6745	0x9a30d85000	0x9a30d9d000	        96	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	6720	0x9a48acf000	0x9a48ae5000	        88	r-x        	full 
	6721	0x9a48ce4000	0x9a48ce5000	         4	rw-        	full 
	6739	0xe99c962000	0xe99ca2e000	       816	r-x        	full 
	6740	0xe99cc2d000	0xe99cc2e000	         4	rw-        	full 
	6735	0xfc18808000	0xfc1899c000	      1616	r-x        	full 
	6736	0xfc18b9c000	0xfc18bb1000	        84	rw-        	full 
	6732	0xfe679c9000	0xfe679f7000	       184	r-x        	full 
	6733	0xfe67bf7000	0xfe67bf9000	         8	rw-        	full 
	6734	0xfe67bf9000	0xfe67c2b000	       200	rw-        	full 
	6712	0x108dbe1a000	0x108dc12f000	      3156	r-x        	full          	libbe.so_seg0ro
	6713	0x108dc32f000	0x108dc35d000	       184	rw-        	full          	libbe.so_seg1rw
	6737	0x14190f07000	0x14190f23000	       112	r-x        	full 
	6738	0x14191122000	0x14191123000	         4	rw-        	full 
	6730	0x14e4d926000	0x14e4d931000	        44	r-x        	full 
	6731	0x14e4db31000	0x14e4db32000	         4	rw-        	full 
	6728	0x16e84526000	0x16e8457a000	       336	r-x        	full 
	6729	0x16e8477a000	0x16e8477d000	        12	rw-        	full 
	6710	0x17e681b9000	0x17e681d7000	       120	r-x        	full          	Input_seg0ro
	6711	0x17e683d6000	0x17e683d9000	        12	rw-        	full          	Input_seg1rw
	6706	0x18054c05000	0x18054c26000	       132	r-x        	full          	runtime_loader_seg0ro
	6707	0x18054e25000	0x18054e27000	         8	rw-        	full          	runtime_loader_seg1rw
	6724	0x193aa38b000	0x193aa607000	      2544	r-x        	full 
	6725	0x193aa807000	0x193aa81c000	        84	rw-        	full 
	6717	0x1d7fff4d000	0x1d800059000	      1072	r-x        	full          	libroot.so_seg0ro
	6718	0x1d800259000	0x1d800267000	        56	rw-        	full          	libroot.so_seg1rw
	6719	0x1d800267000	0x1d8002ab000	       272	rw-        	full          	libroot.so_seg2rw
	6746	0x10db2f541000	0x10db2f691000	      1344	rw-, u:(0x100)	full          	heap
	6702	0x7f84ffc9e000	0x7f84ffca2000	        16	rw-k       	full          	user area
	6761	0x7fed1b1a7000	0x7fed1b1ec000	       276	rw-s       	full          	w>Girdi Aygıtları_691_stack
	6705	0x7ff23649c000	0x7ff2364a4000	        32	r-xSk      	full          	commpage
	6704	0x7ff5d685b000	0x7ff5d785c000	     16388	rw-s       	full          	Input_686_stack

Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel

	ID		Count	Last Holder	Name
	3389	    0	          0	some BBlockCache lock
	3390	    0	          0	token space
	3391	    0	          0	BLooperList lock
	3392	    0	          0	AppServerLink_sLock
	3393	    0	          0	some BLocker
	3394	    0	          0	some BLocker
	3395	    0	          0	Catalog
	3396	    0	          0	LocaleRosterData
	3397	    0	          0	some BLocker
	3398	    0	          0	BMessageQueue Lock
	3399	    0	          0	AppLooperPort
	3415	    0	          0	screen list
	3416	    0	          0	clipboard
	3417	    0	          0	width buffer
	3418	    0	          0	Catalog
	3419	    0	          0	BMessageQueue Lock
	3420	    0	          0	Girdi Aygıtları
	3429	    0	          0	tool tip manager

Change History (3)

comment:1 by pulkomandy, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Should be fixed now.

comment:2 by nielx, 4 years ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1/beta3

Assign fix to milestone:R1/beta3, as it looks like this fix will be part of that release.

As we started with the previous beta, we would like to use the Milestone field for fixed tickets to log from which release the improvement will be out. Therefore it is very much appreciated to assign the milestone when closing a ticket as fixed.

comment:3 by nielx, 4 years ago

Milestone: R1/beta3

Reverting ticket update, it seems to be a fix to a regression added _after_ milestone:R1/beta2, so it would be incorrect to add this to the list of fixes in milestone:R1/beta3.

My apologies for the noise.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.