Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 2 months ago

#16483 new bug

hrev 54484 freezes when booting

Reported by: wkocay Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: - General Version: R1/beta2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


I have been using nightly hrevs for several years on my xw9400 and they have worked well. I tried installing hrev54484 from an anyboot usb stick. It boots from the usb stick with no problem, and installs Haiku. But then it will not boot from the HD. It stalls after the 4th icon lights up – ie, on the chip-icon. I have tried safe mode and safe video mode, and others, with no change. I tried nightly versions 54484, 54460, 54412 – all with the same results. If I remove the usb stick, which was still mounted, it will boot, but the mouse is frozen. In debugging mode, it fills a few screens with output, and then it just stalls. But hrev 53624 and previous work.

There is more: I booted from another volume. Then in preparing the files to send, I located to /tmp and did cat usb_report_hid_descriptor_*.bin The computer froze, and destroyed the partition from which Haiku was running. Apparently I have lost all the files.

Attachments (9)

drivers.txt (1.3 KB ) - added by wkocay 4 years ago.
listusb.txt (5.3 KB ) - added by wkocay 4 years ago.
listdev.txt (3.4 KB ) - added by wkocay 4 years ago.
syslogboot.txt (1.1 KB ) - added by wkocay 4 years ago.
syslog2.txt (2.8 KB ) - added by wkocay 4 years ago.
IMG_1262.JPG (1.5 MB ) - added by wkocay 4 years ago.
IMG_1261.JPG (1.4 MB ) - added by wkocay 4 years ago.
syslog3.txt (2.9 KB ) - added by wkocay 4 years ago.
syslogold3.txt (7.1 KB ) - added by wkocay 4 years ago.

Change History (16)

by wkocay, 4 years ago

Attachment: drivers.txt added

by wkocay, 4 years ago

Attachment: listusb.txt added

by wkocay, 4 years ago

Attachment: listdev.txt added

by wkocay, 4 years ago

Attachment: syslogboot.txt added

by wkocay, 4 years ago

Attachment: syslog2.txt added

comment:1 by wkocay, 4 years ago

This is the 32-bit version of Haiku. The computer is an HP xw9400 with an opteron 2435 with 12 cores.

comment:2 by mmlr, 4 years ago

Can you take a picture of the last screen of the on-screen debug output when booting stalls? Note that with on-screen debug output you will probably have to disable paging as USB input will stop once the USB stack initializes.

It is not clear to me where the attachments syslogboot.txt and syslog2.txt are coming from, can you elaborate on how you got them?

The former appears to show a shutdown, which implies that the boot worked. The latter shows odd symbol lookup errors that would imply a mismatch between virtio drivers and the kernel. This shouldn't happen as both are part of the same Haiku HPKG. Possibly the bootloader preloaded them off the wrong volume? Are there release (beta) installs and nightlies mixed on that machine by any chance?

There is also a driver init line in the second log which should only come up in a later stage of the boot process than the fourth icon.

by wkocay, 4 years ago

Attachment: IMG_1262.JPG added

by wkocay, 4 years ago

Attachment: IMG_1261.JPG added

by wkocay, 4 years ago

Attachment: syslog3.txt added

by wkocay, 4 years ago

Attachment: syslogold3.txt added

comment:3 by wkocay, 4 years ago

Thank you for your response.

syslogboot.txt is the last lines of the syslog file on a failed boot when it stalled after the 4th icon lit up. There was a usb stick plugged on that attempt.

syslog2.txt is the last lines of the syslog file when it booted, but the mouse was frozen. There was no usb stick plugged in on that attempt.

Apparently there is a problem with the usb drivers.

Two photos are attached, but they don't show much. Just the last screen of debug output on failed boots.

syslog3.txt and syslogold3.txt are the last lines of the syslog file and syslog.old file on these failed boots.

About 2 weeks ago I tried to upgrade to R1/beta2 using pkgman, but it stalled part way thru. Then yesterday I decided to try a newer nightly hrev, as it writes a new system file. It installed but wouldn't boot.

comment:4 by diver, 4 years ago

About 2 weeks ago I tried to upgrade to R1/beta2 using pkgman, but it stalled part way thru. Then yesterday I decided to try a newer nightly hrev, as it writes a new system file. It installed but wouldn't boot.

Did you format your bfs partition or installed over existing one? I noticed in syslogold3.txt the following package conflict which may or may not be related:

package openexr-2.2.1-3 conflicts with ilmbase provided by ilmbase-2.2.1-2
      solution 1:
     - allow deinstallation of ilmbase-2.2.1-2
     solution 2:
     - allow deinstallation of openexr-2.2.1-3

ilmbase package was removed in (2020-04-19) which was before beta2 release.

This looks like a messed up install which confuses package_daemon.

comment:5 by wkocay, 4 years ago

I did not reformat the disk, as I have many gigabytes of files that I want to keep. There are 3 bootable Haiku partitions on that computer -- two are 32-bit Haiku, one is 64-bits. I also tried using pkgman to install 64-bit R1/beta2, and it also stalled part way thru.

comment:6 by wkocay, 4 years ago

OK, I copied my files to another disk, reformatted the other disks, and did a clean install of R1beta2. 32-bits and 64-bits. The 32-bit volume runs perfectly. The 64-bit haiku boots, but has troubles when running. When I run Paladin, it frequently freezes, and I have to reboot -- every 10 minutes. When rebooting, after the rocket icon, the screen often goes black, and I have to reboot again. It is very unstable. The previous 64-bit nighty I was using worked well most of the time. Paladin did not crash or freeze it.

comment:7 by waddlesplash, 2 months ago

Please retest with a recent nightly.

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