Opened 5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#16514 closed bug (duplicate)

CD causes kdl

Reported by: nephele Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: File Systems Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: #16030 Blocking:
Platform: All

Description (last modified by nephele)

Likely unrelated to #11455

Inserting the CD causes the kdl to appear after some time, the kdl is continueable and the filesystem on the disk never appears in tracker. (I am not 100% sure what it is but i have been told it is a normal filesystem with a directory structure)

I can't rule out that the drive is defektive, i tried two different cds (but from the same batch) the drive has been sitting in my closet for quite some time :)

KERN: PANIC: ASSERT FAILED (../haiku-git/src/system/kernel/device_manager/IORequest.cpp:137): actualLength == fLength
KERN: Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land...
KERN: Thread 368 "media checker" running on CPU 0
KERN: stack trace for thread 368 "media checker"
KERN:     kernel stack: 0xffffffff81d26000 to 0xffffffff81d2b000
KERN: frame                       caller             <image>:function + offset
KERN:  0 ffffffff81d2a608 (+  24) ffffffff8014ff1c   <kernel_x86_64> arch_debug_call_with_fault_handler + 0x16
KERN:  1 ffffffff81d2a620 (+  80) ffffffff800ae1f8   <kernel_x86_64> debug_call_with_fault_handler + 0x88
KERN:  2 ffffffff81d2a670 (+  96) ffffffff800afb81   <kernel_x86_64> kernel_debugger_loop(char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag*, int) + 0xf1
KERN:  3 ffffffff81d2a6d0 (+  80) ffffffff800afe7e   <kernel_x86_64> kernel_debugger_internal(char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag*, int) + 0x6e
KERN:  4 ffffffff81d2a720 (+ 240) ffffffff800b01e7   <kernel_x86_64> panic + 0xb7
KERN:  5 ffffffff81d2a810 (+  96) ffffffff800dad61   <kernel_x86_64> IORequest::Init(long, unsigned long, unsigned long, generic_io_vec const*, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool, unsigned int) + 0x71
KERN:  6 ffffffff81d2a870 (+ 576) ffffffff800d9069   <kernel_x86_64> IOCache::_TransferPages(unsigned long, unsigned long, bool, bool) + 0x119
KERN:  7 ffffffff81d2aab0 (+ 192) ffffffff800d9994   <kernel_x86_64> IOCache::_TransferRequestLine(IORequest*, long, unsigned long, long, unsigned long) + 0x804
KERN:  8 ffffffff81d2ab70 (+  80) ffffffff800d9c94   <kernel_x86_64> IOCache::_DoRequest(IORequest*, unsigned long&) + 0xa4
KERN:  9 ffffffff81d2abc0 (+  96) ffffffff800d9d3f   <kernel_x86_64> IOCache::ScheduleRequest(IORequest*) + 0x6f
KERN: 10 ffffffff81d2ac20 (+ 368) ffffffff81cf0a31   <scsi_cd> cd_read(void*, long, void*, unsigned long*) + 0x81
KERN: 11 ffffffff81d2ad90 (+  80) ffffffff800f240a   <kernel_x86_64> _kern_read + 0xba
KERN: 12 ffffffff81d2ade0 (+  32) ffffffff8016dd53   <kernel_x86_64> read_pos + 0x13
KERN: 13 ffffffff81d2ae00 (+  80) ffffffff81e4aa56   </boot/system/add-ons/kernel/partitioning_systems/efi_gpt> EFI::Header::Header(int, unsigned long, unsigned int) + 0xa6
KERN: 14 ffffffff81d2ae50 (+  48) ffffffff81e499cf   </boot/system/add-ons/kernel/partitioning_systems/efi_gpt> efi_gpt_identify_partition(int, partition_data*, void**) + 0x4f
KERN: 15 ffffffff81d2ae80 (+  80) ffffffff800ee5ef   <kernel_x86_64> BPrivate::DiskDevice::KPartitioningSystem::Identify(BPrivate::DiskDevice::KPartition*, void**) + 0x8f
KERN: 16 ffffffff81d2aed0 (+ 144) ffffffff800e6aa9   <kernel_x86_64> BPrivate::DiskDevice::KDiskDeviceManager::_ScanPartition(BPrivate::DiskDevice::KPartition*, BPrivate::DiskDevice::KDiskDeviceManager::DiskSystemMap*) + 0x1d9
KERN: 17 ffffffff81d2af60 (+  80) ffffffff800e7aa7   <kernel_x86_64> BPrivate::DiskDevice::KDiskDeviceManager::_CheckMediaStatus() + 0xd7
KERN: 18 ffffffff81d2afb0 (+  32) ffffffff8008af67   <kernel_x86_64> common_thread_entry(void*) + 0x37
KERN: 19 ffffffff81d2afd0 (+2116898864) ffffffff81d2afe0   

Change History (2)

comment:1 by nephele, 5 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by diver, 4 years ago

Blocked By: 16030 added
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed
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