Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#16526 new bug

Mail saved to subscribed IMAP folders should upload to server

Reported by: lsitongia Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: - General Version: R1/beta2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


When I configure an IMAP server using the Mail interface that comes with Haiku, it subscribes to all the folders that I have on the server. For example, Sent, containing copies of sent mail. I configure all my clients to save mail on the server. So, when mail is sent, a copy is saved in Sent, which is on the IMAP server.

I've configured the E-mail preference to have the Destination for Outgoing to be the Sent folder that was created when the account was configured.

When I send email in Haiku, a copy is saved in that Sent folder. However, it isn't then uploaded to the server, to be stored in the Sent folder on the server.

Similarly, if I want to save an email I've received in a folder, I can drag and drop it from the Inbox to that folder. That email is not then stored on the folder on the server.

I think that downloading all the messages from the IMAP server folders suggests that the local folder will be synchronized with the server folder. I think that doesn't go in both directions and it should.

Thank you.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by pamen, 3 years ago

This is essential to working IMAP client. Obviously, there are no resources to cover all possible IMAP (like Pine/Alpine) but sync between client folders and server is crucial if one uses more than one device. Not updating server folder leaves the email on a device, if the device is lost/formatted/new Haiku installed, the changes are gone.

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