Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#16777 new bug

Both Otter and WebPositive don't display images inside articles of website

Reported by: fotisk Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86-64


Please try that article: "Apple Car: For Real This time?"

First image should be a hypothetical concept of an Apple car.

hrev 54904.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Starcrasher, 3 years ago

[ This one?

If this can help, all images have .jpeg extension and are hosted on different server.

Edit: removed unneeded part of the link

Last edited 3 years ago by Starcrasher (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by fotisk, 3 years ago

Yes, provided link is correct.

comment:3 by Starcrasher, 3 years ago

Apparently, on Otter, it is due to extension .jpeg, these images are not displayed at all. Other images on the page are hosted the same way and shown correctly. ( .jpg (JLG face .png Monday Note clock) Amazingly, images thumbs are displayed in debbugger if you inspect the page.

On Web+, it is a bit different. There images are loading (when you can load the page..) but not completely and they remain blurred.

comment:4 by nephele, 3 years ago

On Web+, it is a bit different. There images are loading (when you can load the page..) but not completely and they remain blurred.

Sounds like blurhash... (which is basically a very very low resolution image in a json string to render on the site, to the replace it half a second later with a real image)

I would assume this is a problem with either js not doing the request correctly or with us not downloading the image, it's hard to tell without the web inspector :) (It would atleast immidiently tell me what the headers were)

comment:5 by fotisk, 3 years ago

"Sounds like blurhash... (which is basically a very very low resolution image in a json string to render on the site, to the replace it half a second later with a real image)"

Yes, I saw something like that happening when I tested it on Linux with Brave. That two step process.

comment:6 by fotisk, 3 years ago

BTW, I see similar behavior on Twitter with WebPositive. Some pictures are not displayed (in preview) and some they are. If you click on them they are rendered OK. Also it does previews for some videos!

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