Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#16871 closed bug (not reproducible)

Haikudepot / wget / curl / pkgman lags

Reported by: lorglas Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: - General Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86-64


From hrev54988 (that is the hrev i notice first the problem) wget, curl, and haikudepot and pkgman lags. Pkgman run sometimes after canceling serveral times.

I open the terminal. Type pkgman full-sync.

Nothing happens.

I open a second tab. Type the same above. Switch to the first tab, cancel that pkgman. The pkgman in the the second tab runs.

Wget, curl can't reach the geben adress. Haikudepot install Software, but don't finished the Installation.

Attachments (1)

ausgabe.txt (999.5 KB ) - added by lorglas 4 years ago.
Extract Haikudepot -v trace

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

comment:1 by humdinger, 4 years ago

Can't reproduce with hrev55009, 64bit.

comment:2 by bbjimmy, 4 years ago

On hrev55009, 64bit.:

Add the fatelk repo:

pkgman add-repo

Run HaikuDepot and attempt to install capslockfilter. the HaikuDepot locks up.


pkgman install capslockfilter

same thing.

The issue is more frequent with 3rd party repos. I used fatelk in the example, but besly has the same issues.

comment:3 by humdinger, 4 years ago

Did just that, and it worked here. Took about 10 seconds of barberpole spinning, but got there in the end.
Maybe try with "HaikuDepot -v trace" to see if there's relevant info.

comment:4 by korli, 4 years ago

Version: R1/beta2R1/Development

comment:5 by bbjimmy, 4 years ago

I tried for about 10 minutes.

{T} jrpc: X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block
{T} jrpc: Connection: close
{T} jrpc: 12 headers and 0 bytes of data remaining
{D} jrpc; did receive http-status [200] from []
{T} jrpc response; {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":2,"result":{"items":[],"total":0}}

{D} did retrieve 0 user ratings for [capslockfilter]
{D} populating package [capslockfilter]
SSL other error:00000002:lib(0):func(0):system lib

The "{D} populating package [capslockfilter]" line printed while it filled in the description details.

Then I waited 10 minutes whth the barberpol spinning.

The last line printed aftrer I stopped the process ... [ctrl] [c]

Last edited 4 years ago by bbjimmy (previous) (diff)

by lorglas, 4 years ago

Attachment: ausgabe.txt added

Extract Haikudepot -v trace

comment:6 by lorglas, 4 years ago

Why Haikudepot looks in 32bit repo, but i am under 64bit.

EGSL is only available under 32Bit.

comment:7 by nephele, 4 years ago

I can't reproduce this issue on hrev55009 64bit

~ pkgman update                                                                                                          
  0%    HTTP: Resolving
    HTTP: Hostname resolved to:
    HTTP: Connection to on port 80.
    HTTP: Connection opened, sending request.
--> HTTP: GET /repo_64/repo.sha256 HTTP/1.1

--> HTTP: Host:
--> HTTP: Accept: */*
--> HTTP: Accept-Encoding: gzip
--> HTTP: Connection: close
--> HTTP: User-Agent: Services Kit (Haiku)
    HTTP: Request sent.
    HTTP: Status line received: Code 200 (OK)
<-- HTTP: Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 14:57:23 GMT
<-- HTTP: Last-Modified: Mon, 22 Mar 2021 23:14:36 GMT
<-- HTTP: Content-Length: 65
<-- HTTP: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
<-- HTTP: X-Varnish: 6116948
<-- HTTP: Age: 0
<-- HTTP: X-Cache: MISS
<-- HTTP: Accept-Ranges: bytes
<-- HTTP: Connection: close
    HTTP: 9 headers and 0 bytes of data remaining
100% repochecksum-1 [65 bytes]
Validating checksum for FatElk_64...done.
Nothing to do.
~ pkgman install capslockfilter
  0%    HTTP: Resolving
    HTTP: Hostname resolved to:
    HTTP: Connection to on port 80.
    HTTP: Connection opened, sending request.
--> HTTP: GET /repo_64/repo.sha256 HTTP/1.1

--> HTTP: Host:
--> HTTP: Accept: */*
--> HTTP: Accept-Encoding: gzip
--> HTTP: Connection: close
--> HTTP: User-Agent: Services Kit (Haiku)
    HTTP: Request sent.
    HTTP: Status line received: Code 200 (OK)
<-- HTTP: Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 14:57:39 GMT
<-- HTTP: Last-Modified: Mon, 22 Mar 2021 23:14:36 GMT
<-- HTTP: Content-Length: 65
<-- HTTP: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
<-- HTTP: X-Varnish: 16201573
<-- HTTP: Age: 0
<-- HTTP: X-Cache: MISS
<-- HTTP: Accept-Ranges: bytes
<-- HTTP: Connection: close
    HTTP: 9 headers and 0 bytes of data remaining
100% repochecksum-1 [65 bytes]
Validating checksum for FatElk_64...done.
The following changes will be made:
  in system:
    install package capslockfilter-1.0-3 from repository FatElk_64
Continue? [yes/no] (yes) : n
~ }}}

comment:8 by lorglas, 4 years ago

ok, with HRev55013 it is working normaly.

Please let the Ticket open for 10 HRev. I will check, if the error comes back again.

Version 0, edited 4 years ago by lorglas (next)

in reply to:  8 comment:9 by madmax, 4 years ago

Replying to lorglas:

with HRev55016 it is working normaly.

Do you still have your previous hrev to test? I don't have BeSly included in my repo list, but I've noticed the website being unresponsive for a few days and today it's snappy, maybe that was it.

comment:10 by lorglas, 4 years ago

I have optimized the website and the response times are better. But that was not the problem. It's runs before i updated Haiku to the reported HRev and the Server wasn't changed. So the Server can't be the problem. I test some scripts from other OSes and it runs. And Fatelk also has / had this problem. I tried to find the problem in a previous version of Haiku, went back 100 Hrev, but without success.

comment:11 by bbjimmy, 4 years ago

Last edited 4 years ago by bbjimmy (previous) (diff)

comment:12 by nephele, 4 years ago

Resolution: not reproducible
Status: newclosed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.