Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#17337 closed bug (fixed)

Does not connect to website nor repository using wpa.

Reported by: CDavis Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Network & Internet Version: R1/beta3
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


I can connect to sites and repository using open security. Im using beta 3. wpa worked on my machines using beta 2. I can ping and traceroute to urls and ips using wpa. I need to know what information I can give you to figure this problem with haiku out. and also for some reason wired networking also does the same thing so far with 2 systems Ive tested.

Attachments (7) (269 bytes ) - added by CDavis 3 years ago.
syslog (157.7 KB ) - added by CDavis 3 years ago.
syslog.2 (157.8 KB ) - added by CDavis 3 years ago.
20211022_182935.jpg (3.7 MB ) - added by CDavis 3 years ago.
Kdl screenshot
20211023_123000.jpg (3.1 MB ) - added by CDavis 3 years ago.
Kdl screenshot
20211023_130229.jpg (2.3 MB ) - added by CDavis 3 years ago.
Kdl screenshot w bt
20211023_130221.jpg (2.4 MB ) - added by CDavis 3 years ago.
Part of backtrace

Change History (24)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 3 years ago

Component: Network & Internet/WirelessNetwork & Internet
Owner: changed from mmlr to nobody
Platform: x86-64All
Priority: highnormal

Please attach a syslog.

What happens when you try to use "wget" to download files?

by CDavis, 3 years ago

Attachment: added

by CDavis, 3 years ago

Attachment: syslog added

by CDavis, 3 years ago

Attachment: syslog.2 added

comment:2 by CDavis, 3 years ago

sorry for including syslog twice. to test this system I have to switch from the wpa to open and back and forth to get values.

comment:3 by diver, 3 years ago

Possibly a problem with atheroswifi driver, lots of spam from it in the syslog.

comment:4 by diver, 3 years ago

You can try to extract atheroswifi driver form beta2 iso, put it into non-packaged and blocklist the system driver.

comment:5 by CDavis, 3 years ago

did as you suggested. with atheroswifi first. then rebooting atheros813x and atheroswifi blacklisted out and using the beta 2 drivers. goes into kdl when I try to link to the wifi router.

comment:6 by waddlesplash, 3 years ago

I think some important ABI bits may have changed between beta2 and beta3, so that may not be surprising.

comment:7 by diver, 3 years ago

Can you attach a photo of KDL?

by CDavis, 3 years ago

Attachment: 20211022_182935.jpg added

Kdl screenshot

comment:8 by CDavis, 3 years ago

now when I blacklist the old drivers it kdl's in boot.

comment:9 by waddlesplash, 3 years ago

Unfortunately the important part of the KDL stack trace is overwritten here.

comment:10 by CDavis, 3 years ago

Well. What command is it to put the whole screen up? Kdl command. I can probably make it do this again.

comment:11 by waddlesplash, 3 years ago

Probably it asked you to press a key to continue, I think, so just don't press the key and take a picture.

by CDavis, 3 years ago

Attachment: 20211023_123000.jpg added

Kdl screenshot

comment:12 by waddlesplash, 3 years ago

The critical part is once again cut off; it's probably above where you took this picture...

by CDavis, 3 years ago

Attachment: 20211023_130229.jpg added

Kdl screenshot w bt

by CDavis, 3 years ago

Attachment: 20211023_130221.jpg added

Part of backtrace

comment:13 by waddlesplash, 3 years ago

The last picture does contain the relevant information.

It seems priv_check directly uses a private structure which probably changed in size between beta2 and beta3. I'm not sure why it does, as there's a way to avoid that.

comment:14 by CDavis, 3 years ago

So it's feedback for the next update? Hopefully they can get it in there.

comment:15 by waddlesplash, 3 years ago

In hrev55579 I made a change that would resolve at least this ABI incompatibility. You will however have to recompile the driver from a beta2 repository with that patch applied in order to be able to test it properly with this fix... but going forward drivers should have more compatibility at least.

I think the ioctls changed between beta2 and beta3, though, so that may not really help you either, so it may not be worth going down that route

Have you tried using a wpa_supplicant package from beta2?

comment:16 by CDavis, 3 years ago

Nightlie #55576 or by that time your fix so far works sure you want other test feedback from others. Recent gfx commits Bork video so we go in Vesa mode but we HAVE WPA.

comment:17 by waddlesplash, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Very good!

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