Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#17603 assigned bug

Intel HD Graphic 4600 (After update new Driver 2022)

Reported by: lelldorin Owned by: rudolfc
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Drivers/Graphics/intel_extreme/haswell Version: R1/beta3
Keywords: gen 7 gfx DDI Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


This report is similar to this one:

But here i add a old syslog on a older haiku release. Here is report the issue of the new driver.

I get full resolution on 1920x1200 pixel (Windows 10 only 1920x1080). If i change the resolution to a smaler one (more then 1 step smaler), the screen split in 2 screen in a raw, the rest are black.

RudolfC ask for him.

Haiku hrev55181+63 x86_gcc2 (Same issue on 64bit)

Attachments (9)

syslog (182.7 KB ) - added by lelldorin 3 years ago.
Haiku_Screen01.png (20.0 KB ) - added by lelldorin 3 years ago.
Haiku settings window
Windows_Screen01.png (469.7 KB ) - added by lelldorin 3 years ago.
Windows screen 1
Windows_Screen02.png (36.0 KB ) - added by lelldorin 3 years ago.
Windows screen 2
Windows_Screen03.png (19.9 KB ) - added by lelldorin 3 years ago.
Windows screen 3
syslog64bitTest1 (426.8 KB ) - added by lelldorin 3 years ago.
Syslog Test on 64bit hrev 55898
syslog32bitTest1 (222.3 KB ) - added by lelldorin 3 years ago.
Syslog 32bit Test 1 (hrev55181+63)
20220224_075051.jpg (4.3 MB ) - added by lelldorin 3 years ago.
64bit screen info monitor and system
20220224_084334.jpg (4.4 MB ) - added by lelldorin 3 years ago.
32bit screen info monitor and system

Change History (23)

by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Attachment: syslog added


by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Attachment: Haiku_Screen01.png added

Haiku settings window

by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Attachment: Windows_Screen01.png added

Windows screen 1

by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Attachment: Windows_Screen02.png added

Windows screen 2

by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Attachment: Windows_Screen03.png added

Windows screen 3

comment:1 by lelldorin, 3 years ago

@rudolfc: I do not see any information if vesa is used, so i think it run without vesa driver.

Discussion here:

comment:2 by rudolfc, 3 years ago

Thanks! You're using the intel_Extreme driver indeed. But it looks like you are running an old version? Would it be possible for you to checkout a new nightly, and upload a syslog from that one, along with your observations?

On the version you are running no screen is detected so most programming is skipped. You're on haswell which has DDI ports, but the driver scans old type ports as well: that's something I fixed along the way for instance, if all is right.

I am going to need a syslog from a fresh nightly I think.. Thanks in advance for your time on this! (I hope :-)

comment:3 by diver, 3 years ago

Component: Drivers/GraphicsDrivers/Graphics/intel_extreme/haswell
Keywords: intel hd 4600 removed
Owner: changed from nobody to pulkomandy

comment:4 by rudolfc, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from pulkomandy to rudolfc
Status: newassigned

comment:5 by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Before i found time to install a clean nightly, i test here on fresh updated 64bit (hrev55898)

1920x1080 ok 1680x1680 Input not supported 1280x1024 ok 1280x720 Input not supported 1152x864 Input not supported 1024x768 Input not supported 800x600 Input not supported 420x400 Input not supported 640x400 Input not supported

Syslog to this test "syslog64bitTest1"

Last edited 3 years ago by lelldorin (previous) (diff)

by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Attachment: syslog64bitTest1 added

Syslog Test on 64bit hrev 55898

comment:6 by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Before i found time to install a clean nightly, i test here on fresh updated 32bit (hrev55181+63)

1920x1200 ok,

1920x1080 ok,

1680x1050,1400x1050 Screen spitted into 1,5x top, buttom black,

1280x1024,1152x864,1024x768 Screen spitted into 2x top, buttom black,

800x600, 640x400 Screen spitted into 3x top, buttom black.

Syslog to this test "syslog32bitTest1"

Last edited 3 years ago by lelldorin (previous) (diff)

by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Attachment: syslog32bitTest1 added

Syslog 32bit Test 1 (hrev55181+63)

in reply to:  5 comment:7 by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Replying to lelldorin:

Before i found time to install a clean nightly, i test here on fresh updated 64bit (hrev55898)

1920x1080 ok,

1680x1680 Input not supported,

1280x1024 ok,

1280x720 Input not supported,

1152x864 Input not supported,

1024x768 Input not supported,

800x600 Input not supported,

420x400 Input not supported,

640x400 Input not supported

Syslog to this test "syslog64bitTest1"

Last edited 3 years ago by lelldorin (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by rudolfc, 3 years ago

Keywords: gen 7 gfx DDI added

Thanks for the extensive report!

  • Your test resulting in syslog64bitTest1​ is nice: it uses the latest state of the driver.
  • the (hrev55181+63) test failed: this is using a very old version of the kerneldriver and accelerant.

So looks like you'd best test on a clean nightly indeed.

From the looks of the syslog:

  • BIOS is dectected OK
  • screen is detected OK, with accelerant own fetched EDID: your screen is a non-DP screen therefore (DVI or HDMI connected)
  • the driver partly sets the mode:
  • PLL is not programmed yet: that I need to add (did not do that yet, but I will add it asap now I have a tester ;-)
  • looks like the display link setup is done differently on gen7 from later DDI gens as the link I program is not programmed by the BIOS: I need to dive into docs to confirm how stuff works.

Expected behaviour at this point:

  • since the display link is not touched I guess this also does not mess things up, which is good for this point in time (seeing the missing PLL programming i.e.)
  • since the PLL is not programmed it's to be expected you can only use the mode the system boots up in (icons screen): chances are that if you change resolution in haiku, and you are able to do a (blind) restart after that, the desktop will appear OK after that boot in the resolution you set before rebooting.
  • since the PLL is not programmed it's to be expected you might be able to do a 'nearing' mode, so a mode close to the mode you booted in. Like maybe the 1920x1200 and 1920x1080 mode if you booted in 1920x1080.

Questions I have:

  • are you able to set other colordepths in the same resolutions OK?
  • does GLTeapot work OK @ 60Hz in the booted mode (not in 8 bit, but that's not a thing in the driver ;-)
  • can you post a photo (so made by cellphone or so) from a 'partial screen' or two you saw? If you had such a thing that is..
  • if you are able to set a 'nearing mode': can you ask the screen what refreshrate and resolution it thinks it displays? (screen's internal menu: information item)

Thanks again for your work on this! :-)

by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Attachment: 20220224_075051.jpg added

64bit screen info monitor and system

comment:9 by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Ok i will create a current nighly 32bit stick today.

I add a screenshot of the monitor info and screen info Haiku as attachment of 64bit.

by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Attachment: 20220224_084334.jpg added

32bit screen info monitor and system

comment:10 by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Ok, at the same Version of haiku on 32bit, are the same issues.

Glteapot uses 60fps

The screen splitten into more then one are gone. Now it Display not supported like on 64bit.

System with this driver start up without a problem, without vesa or other settings

comment:11 by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Changing from 32 to 16 to 8 color deph runs fine

comment:12 by lelldorin, 3 years ago

But now we have another problem.

I test to switch the resolution for gaming with the game DiamondGirl (BeSly Repo). The game change the screen to 800x600. This resolution does not supported at the moment, so i end up in a black screen with into "not supported". I does not can get back from here without hard reset.

comment:13 by rudolfc, 3 years ago

Ok, thank you! This is all in line with the limitations the driver currently has on your system, as described yesterday

I'll add the missing features and then report back to you here.

Thanks again!

comment:14 by lelldorin, 3 years ago

Problems can only be solved together :-)

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