Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#17822 new bug

Haiku 64bit hrev56238 network/Internet stall/lag

Reported by: bruno Owned by: pulkomandy
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/WebPositive Version: R1/beta3
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Starting Web+ works but then network or internet stalls/lagging.. If I use Telegram it is very fast and does not stall/lag. See screenshoot with Activity Monitor

Attachments (3)

Webpositiv Stalls lags.png (1.4 MB ) - added by bruno 3 years ago.
TelegramNoStalling.png (1.2 MB ) - added by bruno 3 years ago.
syslog (42.6 KB ) - added by bruno 3 years ago.

Change History (8)

by bruno, 3 years ago

Attachment: Webpositiv Stalls lags.png added

by bruno, 3 years ago

Attachment: TelegramNoStalling.png added

by bruno, 3 years ago

Attachment: syslog added

comment:1 by nephele, 3 years ago

Component: Network & InternetApplications/WebPositive
Owner: changed from nobody to pulkomandy

Hey there, this ticket is not that helpfull currently :( for one telegram has nothing to with webpositive, it uses the qt toolkit which is ported from linux and is unrelated.

For webpositive, please describe what you did exactly to get it to stall... does this happen everytime? only sometimes? What site do you visit for example.

comment:2 by bruno, 3 years ago

Yes it happened all the time if I use/open web+ most visible if I try to open The site opens very fast at the beginning but after loading about 80% it stalls and it takes some time 5 to 10sec. to load the rest of that page... Maybe it is because I use Haiku on an USB-Stick? But as I told you if I use Telegram it does not stall even with heavy video load...

comment:3 by diver, 3 years ago

Please attach your syslog after it stalls.

comment:4 by bruno, 2 years ago

It happens on 32bit (newest nightly) too with my other pc/laptop! It stalls for a while (10 seconds) and the resume to load, then stalls again... Only on Web+ not with Telegram or other apps!

What can I do to give you more information?

comment:5 by bruno, 2 years ago

Open Web+ Open a heavy loaded website like:

Try to scroll down. After a few scrolls down, Web+ will stall complete. (No input on other websites are possible too)!

After some 15 seconds it will move on to load the page. (Input/Write text on other websites are possible again)! If the website finished loading, it will not stall again until it gets a new site to download!

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