Opened 18 months ago

Last modified 15 months ago

#18459 new bug

Screensaver: "Turn off screen" slider still has its effect even when disabled

Reported by: WildKeccak Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Preferences/ScreenSaver Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All

Description (last modified by humdinger)

This is hrev57257, 64bit.

  • check "Enable screensaver"
  • set "Start screensaver" to 30 seconds
  • check "Turn off screen", set to 1 min
  • then uncheck "Turn off screen"

--> After one minute, the screen still turns off when it shouldn't.

Attachments (1)

screenshot1.png (18.1 KB ) - added by WildKeccak 18 months ago.
A picture of the dialog in question

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

by WildKeccak, 18 months ago

Attachment: screenshot1.png added

A picture of the dialog in question

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 18 months ago

Component: - GeneralPreferences/ScreenSaver

comment:2 by WildKeccak, 16 months ago

I think that there is a selection between three values: Screensaver Off, Screensaver On, and Turn of Screen. This is naturally a candidate for a radio button group. It's not my decision, though.

comment:3 by humdinger, 16 months ago

Can't replicate with hrev57243, 64bit (intel_extreme).

If I set "Start screensaver" to 30s and "Turn off screen" to 60s, it works as expected. When "Enable screensaver" is ticked, the saver kicks in after 30s idling and 30s later (=60s idling), the screen turns black (which I assume is powering off). When "Enable screensaver" is not ticked, neither saver nor power-off kicks in.

Also, the checkboxes are fine, radio buttons wouldn't work. Power-off and password-lock are optional and only kick in if the "Enable screensaver" is ticked.
Radio-buttons would imply that only one of those settings can be active at a time. Not what we want here.

comment:4 by WildKeccak, 15 months ago

The bug stands to reason. If I enable a screen saver, check enable screensaver, slide the start screensaver to 30 seconds, check turn off screen, select 1 min, then uncheck turn off screen, the screen saver still stops.

I haven't really been clear enough here. I've even confused myself.

Version 0, edited 15 months ago by WildKeccak (next)

comment:5 by humdinger, 15 months ago

Description: modified (diff)
Milestone: Unscheduled
Platform: x86-64All
Summary: The screensaver general dialog's "Turn off screen" slider still has its effect even when disabledScreensaver: "Turn off screen" slider still has its effect even when disabled
Version: R1/Development

Ah, then I misunderstood you before. I thought you unchecked the "Enable screensaver"...

I took the liberty of putting the step-by-step into the description.

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