Opened 15 months ago

Last modified 15 months ago

#18667 assigned bug

Deskbar shutdown menu vs. dialog wording is inconsistent

Reported by: bcbarnes Owned by: humdinger
Priority: low Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/Deskbar Version: R1/beta4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


When I hover over the deskbar ‘Shutdown’ menu, I am given two options: ‘Power off’, and ‘Restart system’. I, rather than selecting one of these, I just click on ‘Shutdown…’, I am presented with a dialog with two options (plus ‘Cancel’): ‘Restart’ and ‘Shut down’.

I would think that the wording of the two options in both the menu and the dialog should be the same.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 15 months ago

Component: - GeneralApplications/Deskbar
Keywords: Deskbar Shutdown removed
Owner: changed from nobody to humdinger
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by bipolar, 15 months ago

Perhaps it would be a good (?) idea to use "Power off" if either APM or ACPI is enabled, and use "Shut down" if none of those options is available?

My thinking here is... unless ACPI or APM is active, the machine won't actually power down.

Not sure if the difference is really meaningful (perhaps more so in some localized versions of those strings?).

comment:3 by humdinger, 15 months ago

I think there are two issues here:

1) Naming.
Is it necessary to distinguish between "Shut down" and "Power off"? Leaving out the question that on problematic hardware it doesn't cut off the power at the end...

2) Sub-menu + alert when clicking the 'main' "Shutdown..." menu.
Is having both necessary? Choosing from the sub-menu is a 'one click stop' and less save when it comes to mis-clicks. Invoking the alert is saver, but needs an extra click plus moving the mouse and aiming at the rigt button in the alert.

To 1, I think the sub-menu is named "Power off" mainly to not be similar to the "Shutdown..." main menu. However, calling the main menu "Shutdown..." when you actually want to restart, and in the future maybe "Log out" or "Switch user" may not be the best solution.

To 2, I think we should keep them both. People less sure of their clicking-abilities may prefer the alert. Sure-fingered people prefer the quicker sub-menu.

My suggestion:

  • Rename "Shutdown..." main menu to "Quit..."
  • Sub-menus "Shut down" and "Restart"
  • Change alert text to "Do you really want to quit Haiku?", keeping the buttons "Cancel", "Restart" and the default "Shut down".
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