#18676 closed enhancement (fixed)

[pkgman] use native sorting

Reported by: diver Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta5
Component: Applications/Command Line Tools Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


llvm9 should come first:

pkgman sea llvm
Status  Name                    Description                                        
        llvm12                  Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm12_clang            Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm12_clang_analysis   Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
S       llvm12_libs             Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm12_libunwind        LLVM Unwinder - libunwind                          
        llvm12_libunwind_devel  Headers and static libraries for LLVM Unwinder - li
        llvm12_lld              Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm12_python310        Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm12_source           Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm16                  Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm16_clang            Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm16_clang_analysis   Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm16_libs             Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm16_libunwind        LLVM Unwinder - libunwind                          
        llvm16_libunwind_devel  Headers and static libraries for LLVM Unwinder - li
        llvm16_lld              Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm16_python310        Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm16_source           Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm17                  Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm17_clang            Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm17_clang_analysis   Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm17_libs             Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm17_libunwind        LLVM Unwinder - libunwind                          
        llvm17_libunwind_devel  Headers and static libraries for LLVM Unwinder - li
        llvm17_lld              Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm17_python310        Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm17_source           Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm9                   Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm9_clang             Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm9_clang_analysis    Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm9_libs              Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm9_lld               Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm9_python39          Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno
        llvm9_source            Modular and reuseable compiler and toolchain techno

Change History (1)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 13 months ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1/beta5
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Done in hrev57474.

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