Opened 13 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#18681 new enhancement

Deskbar: quicker navigation with type-ahead jumping to menu item

Reported by: bruno Owned by: jscipione
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/Deskbar Version: R1/beta5
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All

Description (last modified by humdinger)

Similar to the default type-ahead jumping in Tracker, where you enter a letter and the selection jumps to the first file starting with the letter.
For example:

  • Invoke Deskbar menu (hit MENU key).
  • Type 'p' -> "Preferences" are selected.
  • Hit CursorRight to open "Preferences" sub-menu.
  • Type 'sh' -> "Shortcuts" are selected.
  • Hit ENTER to launch Shortcuts prefs.

If we go with 'type-ahead jumping", why not also optional 'type-ahead filtering' like in Tracker.

See also #6496 that describes a similar enhancement to Tracker's drill-down-navigation.

Change History (13)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 13 months ago

I can't reproduce this. I can select "Screen" in the Deskbar preferences menu using arrow keys and then hit "Enter" and it opens.

comment:2 by bruno, 13 months ago

hit "Enter" at the preferences window does not open the preferences here. The arrows keys do work I know

comment:3 by humdinger, 13 months ago

Works here as well. Hit "menu" key, cursor down to "Preferences", hit "Enter".
--> Preferences window opens. Cursor down to "Screen", hit Enter: Screen prefs open.

comment:4 by nephele, 13 months ago

Component: - GeneralApplications/Deskbar
Keywords: Desktop keyboard menu removed
Owner: changed from nobody to jscipione
Priority: lownormal
Type: enhancementbug

Please don't add unspecific keywords

comment:5 by bruno, 13 months ago

Waddlesplash it is not working! Try a few time to understand what I mean please.

"list-key" + "p-key" still does nothing! "list-key" + "arrowup-key" + "enter" does not work too!

P.S.: Going back with arrow key to previous menue-entrys does not work! The whole Deskbar-Menu is not working well with keyboard only!

So this enhancement is far from working!

Sorry , for my bad language, which makes it difficult to understand correctly what I want to say.

'Sorry Nephele, for adding unspecific keywords'

comment:6 by nephele, 13 months ago

I am not quite following what you mean with P key? If you want you can describe it in German and I will translate it for you

Are you unaböe tp scroll to the screen preferences and select them or unable to select it directly with type-ahead (just typing thr forst few letters)

comment:7 by bruno, 13 months ago

Yes! just typing the first letters will not work!

P the first letter of preferences Same if you would to use type ahead filtering! Just try to use keyboard only for some time and you will experience what is wrong there!

Last edited 13 months ago by bruno (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by nephele, 13 months ago

Okay, so the issue is that pressing P in the toplevel deskbar menu does not open the Preferences submenu.

(and there is no way to go up a level if selecting the wrong menu)

comment:9 by humdinger, 13 months ago

So this is an enhancment suggestion, not a bug ticket?

Currently it works exactly as expected in my opinion:

  • press MENU key (that's what you mean with "list key", right?) to open Deskbar.
  • use cursor to move to "Preferences" (why should "P" work? Haiku doesn't have "menu-shortcut-accelerators" or whatever it was called (the underlined letters in menus) for some time).
  • hitting ENTER will not open the preferences menu, but open the Tracker window showing all preferences. Same as clicking on "Preferences".
  • you enter the preferences menu by pressing cursor right.
  • you go back with the opposite direction, cursor left.
  • you close the Deskbar with ESC.

comment:10 by bruno, 13 months ago

It is a enhancement suggestion, yes!

Would be nice to have a type ahead filtering to not use the mouse:

1.) list key

2.) "p" jump to the preferences menu entry.

3.) ENTER open the preferences menu.

4.) "s" jump to the screen entry

5.) ENTER to open the screen preferences

Please try to use the keyboard only and use the arrow-up button and ENTER.

Last edited 13 months ago by bruno (previous) (diff)

comment:11 by humdinger, 13 months ago

OK. Created #18686 for the buggy CursorUp behaviour. I'll clarify this ticket summary and description, if I may.

comment:12 by humdinger, 13 months ago

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: Preferences not easy accessable with keyboard.Deskbar: quicker navigation with type-ahead jumping to menu item
Type: bugenhancement

comment:13 by bruno, 13 months ago

As I got a bit frustrated by not understood,

…please go on and clarify this ticket for me.

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