Opened 7 months ago

Closed 7 months ago

#18788 closed bug (fixed)

Falkon crashes on latest nightly (read update to icu74)

Reported by: begasus Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: - General Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Just adding some findings here in case someone can hunt this down sooner :)

Output from Terminal when launched:

~> /system/apps/Falkon/Falkon 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  basic_string::substr: __pos (which is 42) > this->size() (which is 0)
Kill Thread

From syslog output in Terminal:

KERN: ACPI Debug:  "_Q80 : Temperature Up"
Last message repeated 1 time
KERN: intel_extreme: intel_get_preferred_mode
KERN: 972: DEBUGGER: abort() called
KERN: debug_server: Thread 972 entered the debugger: Debugger call: `abort() called'
KERN: stack trace, current PC 0x63318114  <commpage> commpage_syscall + 0x4:
KERN:   (0x72d4cd28)  0xa24fc94  </boot/system/lib/x86/> abort + 0x56
KERN:   (0x72d4cd68)  0xaa60339  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv.cold + 0x55
KERN:   (0x72d4cda8)  0xaa74053  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE + 0x13
KERN:   (0x72d4cdb8)  0xaa740ce  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZSt9terminatev + 0x1e (closest symbol)
KERN:   (0x72d4cdd8)  0xaa743cc  </boot/system/lib/x86/> __cxa_throw + 0x4c (closest symbol)
KERN:   (0x72d4cdf8)  0xaa9b0d9  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZSt24__throw_out_of_range_fmtPKcz + 0x79
KERN:   (0x72d4d088)  0x351c071  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZN13video_capture5mojom8internal54VideoCaptureService_ConnectToDeviceFactory_Params_Data8ValidateEPKvPN4mojo8internal17ValidationContextE + 0xd
KERN:   (0x72d4d118)  0x351c0ff  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZN13video_capture5mojom8internal54VideoCaptureService_ConnectToDeviceFactory_Params_Data8ValidateEPKvPN4mojo8internal17ValidationContextE + 0x9b
KERN:   (0x72d4d1c8)  0x3521964  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZN5audio5mojom42DebugRecordingFileProviderRequestValidator6AcceptEPN4mojo7MessageE + 0x20
KERN:   (0x72d4d208)  0x34584e6  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZN5blink5mojom16ManifestDataView16ReadFileHandlersISt6vectorINS_8Manifest11FileHandlerESaIS5_EEEEbPT_ + 0x2
KERN:   (0x72d4d238)  0x92491e6  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZTVN5blink22ComputedAccessibleNodeE + 0x16
KERN:   (0x72d4d288)  0x9831a30  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _end + 0x3f299c (closest symbol)
KERN:   (0x72d4d2d8)  0x924ab38  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZZN5blink12V8SVGElement30InstallUnconditionalPropertiesEPN2v87IsolateERKNS_15DOMWrapperWorldENS1_5LocalINS1_14ObjectTemplateEEES9_NS7_INS1_16FunctionTemplateEEEE15kAttributeTable + 0x474
KERN:   (0x72d4d358)  0x9256511  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZTVN5blink40CSSBorderImageLengthBoxInterpolationTypeE + 0x35
KERN:   (0x72d4d3e8)  0x34f9cac  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZNSs12_S_constructIPKcEEPcT_S3_RKSaIcESt20forward_iterator_tag.isra.0 + 0x18
KERN:   (0x72d4d4c8)  0x34fb4b4  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZN7content5mojom22CommitNavigationParamsD1Ev + 0x100
KERN:   (0x72d4d4f8)  0x34b36f5  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _ZNK5blink19TrialTokenValidator13ValidateTokenEN4base16BasicStringPieceISsEERKN3url6OriginEPS6_NS1_4TimeE + 0x681
KERN:   (0x72d4d508)  0x1dc68c8  </boot/system/lib/x86/> _end + 0xe76c (closest symbol)
KERN:   (0x72d4d558)  0x257760d  </boot/system/apps/Falkon/lib/> _ZN15MainApplicationC2ERiPPc + 0x14ed
KERN:   (0x72d4d5f8)  0x201ac36  </boot/system/apps/Falkon/Falkon> main + 0xa6
KERN:   (0x72d4d6d8)  0x201aefe  </boot/system/apps/Falkon/Falkon> _start + 0x3e
KERN:   (0x72d4d708)  0x1b32330  </boot/system/runtime_loader> runtime_loader + 0x134
KERN: debug_server: Killing team 972 (/system/apps/Falkon/Falkon)
KERN: debug_server: TeamDebugHandler::Init(): Failed to get info for team 972: Operation on invalid team
KERN: debug_server: KillTeam(): Error getting info for team 972: Operation on invalid team
KERN: debug_server: Killing team 972 ()
KERN: wlan_control: 9234, 19

Attachments (2) (41.2 KB ) - added by begasus 7 months ago.
Debug report (45.7 KB ) - added by kim1963 7 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

by begasus, 7 months ago

Debug report

comment:1 by korli, 7 months ago

Version: R1/beta4R1/Development

comment:2 by waddlesplash, 7 months ago

Should hopefully be fixed by hrev57578.

comment:3 by begasus, 7 months ago

Check on 64bit hrev57578 succesful, can be closed, thanks also here!

comment:4 by korli, 7 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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