Opened 11 months ago

Last modified 11 months ago

#18791 new bug

non-working horizontal scrollbar

Reported by: donn Owned by: pulkomandy
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Kits/Web Kit Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc: nephele
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


... in an RFC post on A text example that's too wide for the screen gets a horizontal scrollbar that is inoperative. I'm at hrev 57434, have not updated WebPositive from there (willing to do that if it doesn't extend to new glibc etc., but would need instructions.)

To duplicate, start with a window that isn't real wide, go to and select <Show Full Post>

After the full post renders, I have to select the post again to get focus so <Page Down> will work to scroll down to the problem text. (That's a bug - there must be some way web page scroll views could always start out in focus after rendering.)

The problem text will be any code fragment wide enough to require horizontal scroll. If you resize the window, the re-drawn scrollview will now work.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by nephele, 11 months ago

Cc: nephele added
Component: - GeneralKits/Web Kit
Owner: changed from nobody to pulkomandy
Version: R1/beta4R1/Development

In the about window of webpositive, which haikuwebkit version is mentioned?

comment:2 by donn, 11 months ago

HaikuWebKit 1.9.6 WebKit 616.1.22

comment:3 by humdinger, 11 months ago

Works with HaikuWebkit 1.9.11 on a nightly.

Sorry, I may have missed to click the <Show full post> before. I actually can reproduce the reported issue...

Last edited 11 months ago by humdinger (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by nephele, 11 months ago

HaikuWebKit 1.9.6

This is a quite old version, the latest is 1.9.11 Please restest this with a recent haikuwebkit version, you can stay on beta4 for this.

To update only specific packages you can run pkgman in terminal. In this instance "pkgman update haikuwebkit" should do the trick.

comment:5 by nephele, 11 months ago

Actually ignore the comment about beta4, you are already on a nightly. Still, the instructions are the same.

comment:6 by donn, 11 months ago

No difference. I still have to resize the window, to get working scrollbars. <Page Down> doesn't work until after I select the page.

HaikuWebKit 1.9.11, WebKit 618.1.10 and also updated "webpositive" in case that would make any difference and apparently got an hrev57578 version.

This issue is confined to the part rendered from <Show Full Post> page. The same topic has a wide code posting with a horizontal scrollbar further down, and that works normally. <Show Full Post> knocks out <Page Down> and its scrollbars don't work at first.

comment:7 by KitsunePrefecture, 11 months ago


I could scroll the mentioned texts - both of them. I am on Haiku Beta4 and haikuwebkit is 1.9.8 - I won't definitely update to latest.

I was interested in this problem, as I have similar problem in my thread,

at the secondary text from Terminal, where the text section has no vertical scrollbar. Using the scrollbar to slide the text is impossible, as it doesn't move at all, this way does not move the text itself.

When I select the text and drag selections on text until the end of lines - within the special section - that enables to see all the lines till the end -- selection slides the text.

Where vertical scrollbar presents in such posts, I can slide the horizontal scrollbar.

It had worked earlier when I was on 32bit Haiku. However I am not certain it relates to Haiku version. I just experience this lately -and meanwhile I moved to Haiku 64bit. I just used forum always in Webpositive.

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