Opened 5 months ago

Closed 4 months ago

Last modified 4 months ago

#18953 closed enhancement (fixed)

Category "Fonts" is empty in Raktár (aka HaikuDepot) - despite I installed some dozens with pkgman

Reported by: KitsunePrefecture Owned by: apl-haiku
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/HaikuDepot Version: R1/beta4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All

Description (last modified by apl-haiku)


Long time I see that category "Fonts" is empty in Raktár (aka HaikuDepot) - despite I installed some dozens with pkgman.

I could not decide this is a bug or should open this ticket as an enhancement - I feel so both.

I mean

--> the category itself present in HaikuDepot, and I like that we could picks fonts from its own category, so I do not have to propose this feature itself -- that is for enhancement.

--> however as the category is empty, it may be caused some setting in packages or in HaikuDepot missing, tht causing this fine category is empty -- so this is the bug part.

I will open finally as enhancement, but fill free to change it anyways that better fit to this case.

Would you be so kind to check the situation and solve that Fonts (in Haiku repositories) enlisted under this fitting category ?

Kind regards,

Attachments (2)

Fonts_category_is_empty__in_Raktár_aka_HaikuDepot.png (40.6 KB ) - added by KitsunePrefecture 5 months ago.
Category "Fonts" is empty in Raktár (aka HaikuDepot) - screenshot
hds_pkgcategory_fonts.csv (976.6 KB ) - added by humdinger 5 months ago.
Category Fonts CSV

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (17)

by KitsunePrefecture, 5 months ago

Category "Fonts" is empty in Raktár (aka HaikuDepot) - screenshot

comment:1 by apl-haiku, 5 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

Hello; There are no packages listed under the category "Fonts" on Haiku Depot Server. TO confirm this, log into HDS; main menu --> Reports --> "Package category coverage report". Download the report and observe there are no packages marked under "Fonts".

Can you please discuss this in the forums or the Haiku Depot Server mailing list as I think this is a data issue rather than a software issue. If you are OK with that can you please close this ticket.

comment:2 by humdinger, 5 months ago

@apl-haiku, we haven't yet moved the fonts packages frmo "Graphics" to "Fonts". I've attached a category CVS you can import to fix that.

by humdinger, 5 months ago

Attachment: hds_pkgcategory_fonts.csv added

Category Fonts CSV

comment:3 by apl-haiku, 5 months ago

Hi @humdinger; Thanks for that upload file, but you will need to get the sys-admin team to load that in now-days. They can do that from the main menu --> "Root Operations" --> "Import package categories" in HDS. I would suggest it would be prudent taking a backup first and checking afterwards that the categories are OK since this function has not been used for a long time.

comment:4 by humdinger, 5 months ago

Anyone from the admin team reading this?
@kallisti5 or @waddlesplash maybe...

comment:5 by waddlesplash, 4 months ago

I can't import the file; it gives a "badsize" error.

I cut down the CSV to just the rows that have an entry in the "fonts" column, will that work correctly?

comment:6 by humdinger, 4 months ago

I don't know, but I expect so. I also expect that you'll get an error message if HDS doesn't like importing such a stripped CSV.

While I did the odd other category change besides the graphics->font, the latter is the important part.

comment:7 by apl-haiku, 4 months ago

Appologies, it looks like there is a bug with it. I have fixed the problem and requested an [HDS deployment]( to get it released then you can run it again. I've tested the loading of the file locally.

comment:8 by waddlesplash, 4 months ago

Can I load the stripped-down file even before then, or will it cause problems to only have a subset of packages in the file?

comment:9 by apl-haiku, 4 months ago

Unfortunately the problem is in the HDS JavaScript in the UI so it does not matter how large the file is; the problem will still manifest itself. :-( If Neils is available, the deploy of HDS should not take too long to roll out.

On another note; I wonder if it might be an idea to trim this file down to the packages that @KitsunePrefecture would like to modify because otherwise this file contains all packages and so any changes to packages' categories that have happened since the file was created will be lost.

comment:10 by waddlesplash, 4 months ago

The new file didn't seem to have the same error. Trimming the file down is what I already did, so if that's fine, I'll do that.

comment:11 by apl-haiku, 4 months ago

The logic change was;

- model.$setValidity('badsize',undefined === file || (file.size > 24 && file.size < IMPORT_SIZE_LIMIT));
+ model.$setValidity('badsize',undefined === file || !(file.size > 24 && file.size < IMPORT_SIZE_LIMIT));

(note the negation)

It seems strange that it would accept any meaningfully sized file; even a trimmed one. However if it works then that should be fine as it is really only an interface to the Java logic running on the back-end.

comment:12 by waddlesplash, 4 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Import succeded.

comment:13 by KitsunePrefecture, 4 months ago

Thanks for all of you to worked in this hiatus.

Now it is more easily to install fonts - using GUI with Raktár (Haikudepot) - for whom who would like to use such installation method.

Kind regards,

comment:14 by KitsunePrefecture, 4 months ago

I checked Font category well it is not empty now, but not every fonts lested. With pkgman more packages found and could be installed.

#### Install all available fonts and related tools on Haiku -- from Haikuports

###  pkgman search font

##  Install fonts

pkgman install ahem  anonymous_pro arabeyes_fonts caladea caligula cantarell cardo carlito cascadia_code clear_sans croscorefonts dejavu dotsies droid essays1743 fantasque_sans farsi_fonts fira_fonts firacode inconsolata inter jetbrains_mono jetbrains_mono_nerd kacst_fonts lateef_font lato_fonts liberation_fonts libertine lohit monoid mplus msttcorefonts nafees_nastaleeq  nafees_riqa nanumfont noto noto_condensed noto_emoji noto_emoji_color noto_regional  noto_sans_cjk noto_sans_cjk_jp noto_sans_cjk_kr noto_serif_cjk noto_serif_cjk_jp noto_serif_cjk_kr ocr open_sans opendyslexic overpass paratype recursive roboto scheherazade_font  source_pro symbola terminus_ttf tex_gyre ubuntu_font_family ukijorgfonts unifont urw_base35_fonts vl_gothic woff2 wqy_microhei wqy_zenhei x_series_fonts

comment:15 by humdinger, 4 months ago

Not sure why so many fonts didn't have a category set (i.e. not the old "Graphics" category used for fonts), but I've "manually" set the font category now.

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