Opened 6 weeks ago

Closed 6 weeks ago

#18977 closed bug (fixed)

WebPositive crashes on launch

Reported by: bbjimmy Owned by: pulkomandy
Priority: high Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/WebPositive Version: R1/beta4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All



WebPositive crashes. "state: Exception (Segment violation)"

Attachments (3) (28.1 KB ) - added by bbjimmy 6 weeks ago.
crash report (28.0 KB ) - added by KitsunePrefecture 6 weeks ago.
Debug report #1 - at Scenario 2 - when devel package had not upfated (28.4 KB ) - added by KitsunePrefecture 6 weeks ago.
Debug report #2 - at Scenario 1 - when devel library package of SSL 1.1 was updated, and package "asio" was uninstalled.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

by bbjimmy, 6 weeks ago

crash report

by KitsunePrefecture, 6 weeks ago

Debug report #1 - at Scenario 2 - when devel package had not upfated

by KitsunePrefecture, 6 weeks ago

Debug report #2 - at Scenario 1 - when devel library package of SSL 1.1 was updated, and package "asio" was uninstalled.

comment:1 by KitsunePrefecture, 6 weeks ago

Me also experienced this issue in the afternoon - then I checked - forum an Trac - is anyone reported yet ? There were none who mentioned, so I started to having lunch and rest - finally asleep meanwhile listened Streamradio..

I had a question at update first to current ...

Encountered problems:
problem 1: package asio-1.28.2-1 requires devel:libssl>=1.1, but none of the providers can be installed
  solution 1:
    - allow deinstallation of asio-1.28.2-1
  solution 2:
    - keep openssl_devel-1.1.1w-1 from excluded repository
Please select a solution, skip the problem for now or quit.
select [1...2/s/q]: 2
Nothing to do.

Recently, when I woke up, I did a try another scenario. However that was only a devel lib package of SSL 1.1, I decided to give a chance.

~> clear ; neofetch 

       'l:;','ck.    .;dc:.         -------------------------------------- 
       co    ..k.  .;;   ':o.       OS: Haiku x86_64 
       co    ..k. ol      .0.       Kernel: hrev57943 Aug 9 2024 06:02:38 
       co    ..k. oc     ..0.       Uptime: 4 mins 
       co    ..k. oc     ..0.       Packages: 1035 (pkgman) 
.Ol,.  co ...''Oc;kkodxOdddOoc,.    Shell: bash 5.2.26 
 ';lxxlxOdxkxk0kdooolldlccc:clxd;   Resolution: 1920x1080 
     ..oOolllllccccccc:::::od;      Theme: Adwaita [GTK3] 
       cx:ooc:::::::;cooolcX.       Icons: haiku [GTK3] 
       cd.''cloxdoollc' ...0.       CPU: Intel i7-3940XM (8) @ 3.189GHz 
       cd......k;.xl....  .0.       Memory: 1332MiB / 32669MiB 
       .::c;;.xo..... .0.
          '::c' .K,                               

Tároló ellenőrzőkódjának letöltése ( ...
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (BeSly Software Solutions) ...
Tároló ellenőrzőkódjának letöltése ( ...
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (FatElk_64) ...
Tároló ellenőrzőkódjának letöltése ( ...
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (Haiku) ...
Tároló ellenőrzőkódjának letöltése ( ...
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (HaikuPorts) ...
Tároló adatainak letöltése ( ...
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (HaikuPorts) ...
Activating repository cache for HaikuPorts ...
Tároló ellenőrzőkódjának letöltése ( ...
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (KapiX's Depot) ...
Tároló ellenőrzőkódjának letöltése ( ...
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (LOTE) ...
  100% repochecksum-1 [65 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (BeSly Software Solutions)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [65 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (FatElk_64)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [65 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (Haiku)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [64 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (HaikuPorts)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [65 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (KapiX's Depot)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [71 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (LOTE)...done.
The following changes will be made:
  in system:
    upgrade package ffmpeg5-5.1.4-2 to 5.1.4-3 from repository HaikuPorts
    upgrade package ffmpeg-4.2.9-3 to 4.2.9-4 from repository HaikuPorts
    upgrade package ffmpeg5_avdevice-5.1.4-2 to 5.1.4-3 from repository HaikuPorts
    upgrade package ffmpeg_avdevice-4.2.9-3 to 4.2.9-4 from repository HaikuPorts
    upgrade package ffmpeg_tools-4.2.9-3 to 4.2.9-4 from repository HaikuPorts
Continue? [yes/no] (yes) : 
  100% ffmpeg5-5.1.4-3-x86_64.hpkg [10,57 MiB]
Validating checksum for
  100% ffmpeg-4.2.9-4-x86_64.hpkg [9,51 MiB]
Validating checksum for
  100% ffmpeg5_avdevice-5.1.4-3-x86_64.hpkg [12,48 KiB]
Validating checksum for
  100% ffmpeg_avdevice-4.2.9-4-x86_64.hpkg [13,63 KiB]
Validating checksum for
  100% ffmpeg_tools-4.2.9-4-x86_64.hpkg [243,32 KiB]
Validating checksum for
[system] Applying changes ...
[system] Changes applied. Old activation state backed up in "state_2024-08-09_16:52:10"
[system] Cleaning up ...
[system] Done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [65 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (BeSly Software Solutions)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [65 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (FatElk_64)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [65 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (Haiku)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [64 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (HaikuPorts)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [65 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (KapiX's Depot)...done.
  100% repochecksum-1 [71 bájt]
Ellenőrzőkód érvényesítése a tárolóhoz (LOTE)...done.
Encountered problems:
problem 1: package asio-1.28.2-1 requires devel:libssl>=1.1, but none of the providers can be installed
  solution 1:
    - allow deinstallation of asio-1.28.2-1
  solution 2:
    - keep openssl_devel-1.1.1w-1 from excluded repository
Please select a solution, skip the problem for now or quit.
select [1...2/s/q]: 1
The following changes will be made:
  in system:
    upgrade package openssl_devel-1.1.1w-1 to 1.1.1w-2 from repository HaikuPorts
    uninstall package asio-1.28.2-1
Continue? [yes/no] (yes) : 
  100% openssl_devel-1.1.1w-2-x86_64.hpkg [1,27 MiB]
Validating checksum for
[system] Applying changes ...
[system] Changes applied. Old activation state backed up in "state_2024-08-09_23:32:28"
[system] Cleaning up ...
[system] Done.

Finally, the issue still persisting - Webpositive crashes at launch, immediately. I rewritten this comment again, after my 2 attachments finally added - as somehow my first had gone somehow.

comment:2 by waddlesplash, 6 weeks ago

This is expected until more rebuilds complete. We likely should have just paused nightly builds yesterday until they did, but it's too late for that now, oh well.

comment:3 by waddlesplash, 6 weeks ago

Fixed for x86_64 in hrev57946. x86_gcc2h still not completed yet.

comment:4 by KitsunePrefecture, 6 weeks ago

Thanks, I can confirm on 64 bit Haiku Nightly.

comment:5 by waddlesplash, 6 weeks ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Now fixed.

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