Opened 3 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

Last modified 2 months ago

#19136 closed enhancement (no change required)

Make command not available right after installation

Reported by: elwood Owned by: jackburton
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/Terminal Version: R1/beta5
Keywords: make Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


The make command is not available after installation. As it's important to attract new developers, it should be available IMO.

~> make
bash: make: command not found
~> find / -name make*

I'm on hrev58180, installed 2 weeks ago from the nightly image and then updated.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by madmax, 3 months ago

Resolution: no change required
Status: newclosed

Make is included by default, you have to unselect it from the optional packages list while installing to not get it. I have downloaded and installed the nightly image to check that that had not changed recently and indeed make is installed.

That you have the package but not the program means that it is currently not active. Maybe you booted to a state where you had uninstalled it? Also, if you updated to hrev58180, I would expect makefile_engine to also be that version. Any problem with that update?

If you've not removed them, you can check previous states in /system/packages/administrative/, and whether it was active in each of them looking in the corresponding activated_packages file.

grep '^make-' /system/packages/administrative/{,state*/}activated_packages

comment:2 by elwood, 2 months ago


I'm a bit late as on my iMac I could not boot from an USB key and install Haiku again from scratch for testing. Maybe I'll do another bug report about it later.

So I installed Haiku on a VM to test what you tell me. I installed hrev58191.

And you are right, after the reboot, I had make and gcc. I didn't have "configure" though. I'm not experienced so I don't know if it can be a problem.

Thanks Jackburton.

comment:3 by pulkomandy, 2 months ago

"configure" isn't a system command. There are scripts named "configure" in the sourcecode of various opensource projects, including Haiku.

The live environment does not include these commands to save a bit of memory and allow to run the Installer on low RAM systems. So if you skipped the installation and were running the live environment, that may explain your problem.

comment:4 by elwood, 2 months ago

I undestand. But note that I didn't skip anything during the installation.

It is really straight forward :

  • select "install Haiku" and not "use Haiku"
  • set up the partitions on disk
  • files are copied on disk
  • a system reboot is requested by the installer.

There is no way I can skip anything. So I wonder how I could end with an OS without "make" :-)

Anyway, the problem disappeared so let's move on.

Last edited 2 months ago by elwood (previous) (diff)
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