Opened 4 hours ago

Last modified 2 hours ago

#19188 new bug

random freezes on a Thinkpad R60

Reported by: zeldakatze Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: - General Version: R1/Development
Keywords: battery freeze random R60 T60 Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


(I hope I didn't miss a bug report and am filing a duplicate once again)

There seems to be a regression somewhere between hrev58149 and hrev58228, Both my Thinkpad R60's randomly freeze, seemingly without reason after some random time, requiring a reset. It might have to do something with the batteries, as reinserting the battery will in most cases freeze the system shortly after that, hovering over the battery replicant will also result in a freeze frequently. I've only checked for freezes on two R60. Using the last package state at hrev58149 seems to be stable

Attachments (1)

previous_syslog (167.6 KB ) - added by zeldakatze 4 hours ago.
A syslog at hrev58228, seems to be cut off

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

by zeldakatze, 4 hours ago

Attachment: previous_syslog added

A syslog at hrev58228, seems to be cut off

comment:1 by madmax, 2 hours ago

There are a lot of flipped bits there.

One thing I can make out is:

PANIC: ASSERT FAILED (../haiku-git/src/system/kernel/vm/VMCache.cpp:1095): commitment <= size; cache 0xd4aa7e18, commitment 1073741824, size 8192

which I guess would be the same as #19155.

You may want to try newer builds, there's been some more activity in vm code after hrev58228.

There's also the FreeMindTranslator (from ProjectConceptor) not finding a symbol, but I guess that wouldn't freeze the system. You may blacklist or uninstall it and see if you still get the freezes, to be sure.

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