Opened 3 hours ago

#19301 new bug

Crash when trying to start command-line applications and standard output or standard error stream is redirected

Reported by: monni Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: System/runtime_loader Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86-64


hrev58436, but this has happened for last few days


KERN: debug_server: Thread 1034 entered the debugger: Segment violation
KERN: stack trace, current PC 0x12eaacc6ff7  </boot/system/lib/> _ZN8BPrivate9hoardSbrkEl + 0x97:
KERN:   (0x7fac4d5d8f20)  0x12eaacc8193  </boot/system/lib/> _ZN8BPrivate9hoardHeap9freeBlockERPNS_5blockERPNS_10superblockEiPNS_11processHeapE + 0x113
KERN:   (0x7fac4d5d8f50)  0x12eaacc92da  </boot/system/lib/> _ZN8BPrivate11processHeap7getHeapEi.part.0 + 0x2a (closest symbol)
KERN:   (0x7fac4d5d8f80)  0x12eaacc3d0a  </boot/system/lib/> _ZL7do_execPKcPKPcS3_b + 0x1fa
KERN:   (0x7fac4d5d8fc0)  0x12eaacb7d55  </boot/system/lib/> __wcstoul_internal + 0x165
KERN:   (0x7fac4d5d8fe0)  0x12eaac399e6  </boot/system/lib/> + 0xa6
KERN:   (0x7fac4d5d91f0)  0x19b2a53ce4a  </boot/system/runtime_loader> _ZL17init_dependenciesP7image_tb.constprop.0 + 0x14a
KERN:   (0x7fac4d5d92a0)  0x19b2a53d82c  </boot/system/runtime_loader> load_program + 0x1dc
KERN:   (0x7fac4d5d9330)  0x19b2a544eb3  </boot/system/runtime_loader> runtime_loader + 0xf3

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