Opened 39 hours ago

Last modified 38 hours ago

#19384 new bug

Investigate / implement route priorities

Reported by: kallisti5 Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Kits/Network Kit Version: R1/beta5
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Haiku today doesn't implement any route "priority" system. Linux calls this "metric".

Essentially, the Linux, BSD, etc network stacks have a "metric" which is the 'cost' of each route.

This is relevant in cases like OpenVPN. Example:

  • OpenVPN adds multiple routes to route traffic over the VPN..
    • one route to ensure traffic to the VPN server continues to go over the current "real" network interface / gateway
    • one route to send all traffic (default / over the VPN

OpenVPN adds these routes on linux with the assumed metric of "0" (highest priority). While the system's DHCP allocated routes have a metric of "600".

Traffic is directed over the OpenVPN added routes with a lower cost / metric. On shutdown, these routes with the lower cost are just removed returning the system to it's former routing.

Haiku lacks a priority system, meaning to have OpenVPN work, we need to:

  • Add a route to the VPN server over the existing gateway
  • Delete the systems current default gateway (since we don't have a metric/priority, we can't add multiple default gateways)
  • Add a new default gateway over the VPN

Another example of our limitation is attaching two interfaces with DHCP w/ a gateway. Haiku will always route traffic over the "last attached" interface. We don't have the option of routing default traffic over either interface.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by kallisti5, 39 hours ago

So.. one final observation. We already have "Metric" on the individual physical network interfaces...

ifconfig tun/0
tun/0	Hardware type: unknown, Address: none
	inet addr:, Mask:
	MTU: 1500, Metric: 0, up link
	Receive: 47065 packets, 0 errors, 3952992 bytes, 0 mcasts, 0 dropped
	Transmit: 46995 packets, 0 errors, 3947580 bytes, 0 mcasts, 0 dropped
	Collisions: 0

Looking over our code, Metric is set and stored, but never used anywhere LOL.

comment:2 by kallisti5, 39 hours ago

I can see where Be was going adding Metric to the BNetworkInterface, however it's putting a priority where there really shouldn't be one.

Priorities effectively adjust "which route the network stack takes", not "which interface the network stack uses". My opinion is it's a bit oversimplistic adding the priority to the overall interface instead of the individual routes.

Think in these terms:

  • A VPN needs to retain connectivity to the VPN server over the current interface, and it needs to route all other traffic over the VPN.
    • If the priority was only on the interface, how would it do this? It needs to prioritize routes, not interfaces.

comment:3 by kallisti5, 38 hours ago

waddlesplash pointed out BSD might work like this with an interface-level metric.

I confirmed FreeBSD does indeed have interface-level metrics. I feel like the interface level design leaves a lot of people confused from my initial research.

comment:4 by humdinger, 38 hours ago

Would this be the right place to mention implementing a "kill switch", i.e. should the connection to a VPN go down, all traffic stops (until the VPN connection is re-established)?

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