Opened 17 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#1988 closed bug (fixed)

PANIC: ASSERT FAILED (src/system/kernel/fs/vfs.cpp:747): oldRefCount > 0

Reported by: thorn Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: System/Kernel Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


Haiku hrev24635

kdebug> vnode 0x91672100
VNODE: 0x91672100
 device:        5
 id:            2146
 ref_count:     -1
 private_node:  0x912b8480
 mount:         0x90b7a8c0
 covered_by:    0x00000000
 cache:         0x00000000
 flags:         -b-
 advisory_lock: 0x00000000
kdebug> vnode_usage
Unused vnodes: 22271 (max unused 8192)
22482 vnodes total (211 in use).

and backtrace

wait interval 994979, scan pages 553, free 4329, target 23
wait interval 996070, scan pages 544, free 4334, target 18
wait interval 1000000, scan pages 512, free 4352, target 0
Last message repeated 2 times.
vnode 5:2146 is not becoming unbusy!
vnode 0x91672100
PANIC: ASSERT FAILED (src/system/kernel/fs/vfs.cpp:747): oldRefCount > 0

Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land...
Running on CPU 0
kdebug> sc
stack trace for thread 171 "svn"
    kernel stack: 0x925da000 to 0x925de000
      user stack: 0x7efe7000 to 0x7ffe7000
frame            caller     <image>:function + offset
925dd85c (+  52) 800843f3   <kernel>:invoke_debugger_command + 0x00cf
925dd890 (+  64) 80085194   <kernel>:_ParseCommand__16ExpressionParserRi + 0x01f8
925dd8d0 (+  48) 80084b86   <kernel>:EvaluateCommand__16ExpressionParserPCcRi + 0x01de
925dd900 (+ 228) 800862a8   <kernel>:evaluate_debug_command + 0x0088
925dd9e4 (+  64) 80082f36   <kernel>:kernel_debugger_loop__Fv + 0x017a
925dda24 (+  48) 80083be1   <kernel>:kernel_debugger + 0x010d
925dda54 (+ 192) 80083ac9   <kernel>:panic + 0x0029
925ddb14 (+  64) 80046a8e   <kernel>:dec_vnode_ref_count__FP5vnodeb + 0x0056
925ddb54 (+  48) 800499f6   <kernel>:put_vnode + 0x0052
925ddb84 (+  48) 80323c09   <bfs>:Put__5Vnode + 0x0031
925ddbb4 (+  80) 8032b0a9   <bfs>:SetTo__5IndexPCc + 0x00bd
925ddc04 (+  64) 8032b4b2   <bfs>:Update__5IndexR11TransactionPCclPCUcUsT4UsP5Inode + 0x00ea
925ddc44 (+  80) 8032b75f   <bfs>:UpdateName__5IndexR11TransactionPCcT2P5Inode + 0x00bb
925ddc94 (+  64) 8032b662   <bfs>:InsertName__5IndexR11TransactionPCcP5Inode + 0x002e
925ddcd4 (+ 144) 8033273d   <bfs>:Create__5InodeR11TransactionP5InodePCcliUlPbPxPP5Inode + 0x07d1
925ddd64 (+  96) 8033cccb   <bfs>:bfs_create_dir__FPvT0PCciPx + 0x0107
925dddc4 (+ 320) 8004bcc6   <kernel>:dir_create__FiPcib + 0x0082
925ddf04 (+  64) 800510d4   <kernel>:_user_create_dir + 0x0094
925ddf44 (+ 100) 80094302   <kernel>:pre_syscall_debug_done + 0x0002 (nearest)
iframe at 0x925ddfa8 (end = 0x925de000)
 eax 0x55           ebx 0x45959c        ecx 0x7ffe65f4   edx 0xffff0104
 esi 0x19244228     edi 0x19244228      ebp 0x7ffe6620   esp 0x925ddfdc
 eip 0xffff0104  eflags 0x206      
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
925ddfa8 (+   0) ffff0104
7ffe6620 (+  48) 0032691f   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0xf91f
7ffe6650 (+ 144) 002c8516   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0xd516
7ffe66e0 (+  64) 002c861b   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0xd61b
7ffe6720 (+  64) 0023a944   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x5944
7ffe6760 (+  64) 0023ba32   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x6a32
7ffe67a0 (+  64) 0023bb3b   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x6b3b
7ffe67e0 (+  64) 0023bc46   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x6c46
7ffe6820 (+  64) 0024d480   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x18480
7ffe6860 (+ 176) 0024dd6d   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x18d6d
7ffe6910 (+  64) 002b4bc5   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x1bc5
7ffe6950 (+  96) 00299f78   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x7f78
7ffe69b0 (+ 112) 0029ab5a   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x8b5a
7ffe6a20 (+  80) 00299126   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x7126
7ffe6a70 (+  64) 00295466   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x3466
7ffe6ab0 (+ 176) 0023a1dc   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x51dc
7ffe6b60 (+ 160) 00230426   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x18426
7ffe6c00 (+ 112) 0021f421   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x7421
7ffe6c70 (+  64) 0021f544   </boot/common/lib/>:unknown + 0x7544
7ffe6cb0 (+  80) 0020574e   </boot/common/bin/svn@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x574e
7ffe6d00 (+ 640) 002091fc   </boot/common/bin/svn@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x91fc
7ffe6f80 (+  44) 00204c45   </boot/common/bin/svn@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x4c45
7ffe6fac (+  48) 0010078e   1616:runtime_loader_seg0ro@0x00100000 + 0x78e
7ffe6fdc (+   0) 7ffe6fec   1615:svn_main_stack@0x7efe7000 + 0xffffec

Change History (6)

comment:1 by thorn, 17 years ago

I save vm state, so somebody can ask me about additional information.

comment:2 by scottmc, 17 years ago

I just had this happen as well, on hrev25137. I was installing from one volume to another, both volumes are 4GB and had plenty of room on them. sc shows: stack trace for thread 540 "copy_engine"

kernel stack: 0x92b7c000 to 0x92b80000

user stack: 0x70000000 to 0x70040000

frame caller <image>:function + offset 92b7f9bc (+ 52) 8008a8ff <kernel>:invoke_debugger_command + 0x00cf

This was on real hardware.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by bonefish, 17 years ago

Replying to scottmc:

I just had this happen as well, on hrev25137. I was installing from one volume to another, both volumes are 4GB and had plenty of room on them. sc shows: stack trace for thread 540 "copy_engine"

kernel stack: 0x92b7c000 to 0x92b80000

user stack: 0x70000000 to 0x70040000

frame caller <image>:function + offset 92b7f9bc (+ 52) 8008a8ff <kernel>:invoke_debugger_command + 0x00cf

A few more lines of the stack trace would be nice. The lines up to "<kernel>:panic" are always the same.

comment:4 by axeld, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from axeld to nobody
Status: newassigned

comment:5 by waddlesplash, 7 years ago

Anyone seen this in the last decade?

comment:6 by scottmc, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

I haven't seen it since the first time I saw it. Likely been fixed since then. Closing this, if it pops up again we can open a new ticket.

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