Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#3610 closed bug (fixed)

minor mimetype error for welcome.html and BeBook index.html

Reported by: sten Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: - General Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: BeBook Welcome mimetype filetypes Cc: umccullough@…, mdisreali@…
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


In hrev29713 vmware image:

It's a very minor, easily fixable bug, I think. The mimetypes of welcome.html and Bebook index.html are text/plain instead of text/html. New users click Welcome, which opens in StyledEdit, instead of BeZilla/Bon Echo.

'just a wild guess, (I'm not very familiar with BeOS), but: If mimetype is an attribute of a file, and text/plain is default -- in the absence of this attribute -- then it seems like welcome.html and index.html are losing their attributes in some part of the snapshot build process, or else these attributes aren't being applied when the desktop files are generated.

Best regards, Nick

Attachments (3)

r29641a.png (88.1 KB ) - added by idefix 16 years ago.
Screenshot of hrev29641 just after the desktop icons are shown. Welcome.html has no mime type.
r29641b.png (87.0 KB ) - added by idefix 16 years ago.
Screenshot of hrev29641 when the system has finished booting (no harddisk activity). Welcome.html has the correct mime type.
r29656.png (78.8 KB ) - added by idefix 16 years ago.
Screenshot of hrev29656 just after the desktop icons are shown. Welcome.html has the wrong mime type.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (11)

comment:1 by umccullough, 16 years ago

Cc: umccullough@… added

I recall zipping up the BeBook from a Haiku/BeOS machine using a version of zip that includes attributes - so at least it should have unzipped the mime types along with the files properly.

Perhaps someone has modified the original zip file I provided (I see the one in optional-packages has a newer date for example), or perhaps the version of unzip used during the build process doesn't unzip attributes, or even perhaps something else entirely.

I'll try to take a look at what might be causing this if I can this weekend.

comment:2 by idefix, 16 years ago

BeBook's mime type is correct.

Only welcome.html has a text/plain mime type.
It used to have no mime type in hrev29641, but after Haiku has finished booting the first time it would have got the right mime-type (see r29641a.png and r29641b.png).
In hrev29656 it has a text/plain mime type (see hrev29656.png).

I suspect changeset:29648 is the culprit.

by idefix, 16 years ago

Attachment: r29641a.png added

Screenshot of hrev29641 just after the desktop icons are shown. Welcome.html has no mime type.

by idefix, 16 years ago

Attachment: r29641b.png added

Screenshot of hrev29641 when the system has finished booting (no harddisk activity). Welcome.html has the correct mime type.

by idefix, 16 years ago

Attachment: r29656.png added

Screenshot of hrev29656 just after the desktop icons are shown. Welcome.html has the wrong mime type.

comment:3 by Disreali, 16 years ago

Cc: mdisreali@… added

comment:4 by humdinger, 16 years ago

Just wanted to add: François' work still holds. "svn propget svn:mime-type welcome.html" still returns "text/html".

comment:5 by Disreali, 16 years ago

This issue seems to be fixed in hrev30413.

comment:6 by idefix, 16 years ago

Yes, with hrev30452 the situation is exactly the same as it was with hrev29641 (no mime type at the beginning, but the correct one after Haiku fully finished booting.)
It would be nice however if welcome.html would have the correct mime type right at the beginning, just as BeBook's index.html has.

comment:7 by scottmc, 15 years ago

Has this one been fixed yet?

comment:8 by humdinger, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Just built an alpha-vmimage. The Welcome page gets its correct MIME type after the "first-run" script has done its magic.

Closing this ticket as fixed.

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