Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 8 months ago

#4621 closed enhancement (fixed)

Stripping down "Configure Deskbar Menu"

Reported by: mmadia Owned by: jonas.kirilla
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Applications/Deskbar Version: R1/alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Typically the Deskbar's folder hierarchy is modified directly within Tracker. Within the "Deskbar Settings"-->"Configure Deskbar Menu", there is the ability to modify that hierarchy. This is a request to remove that functionality and to leave only the controls for the Recent Documents,Applications, and Folders.

Change History (9)

comment:1 by humdinger, 15 years ago


See also ticket #2905.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by jackburton, 15 years ago

Replying to humdinger:


See also ticket #2905.

I don't think I've ever modified that hierarchy from the Tracker. I find much simpler to change it from the deskbar. It's also more intuitive, since you see the menu from the Deskbar, and you change it from the Deskbar. Removing that functionality doesn't bring anything to anyone, while removing functionality used by many users.

comment:3 by phoudoin, 15 years ago


New user don't know which folder "drive" the Deskbar Menus, as most Windows don't know which folder drive the Start Menu either. And they don't have to, thanks to drag & drop support.

Plus, we still need a way to edit Recents folders/applications/documents history size and activation. At minimal, Deskbar should provide an obvious way for any user to open in Tracker the folder driving its menus.

Maybe what we need, instead, is to rework the whole Deskbar settings submenu to open a Deskbar preference panel, where every Deskbar settings will be available, Menu configuration/open included. I alway found having to navigate several times in a submenu to enable/disable options one by one quite unfriendly. The actual "Configure Deskbar Menu" window will move in a tab there, for example, beside Behavior & Clock options.

Tracker have it's own preference panel. Sounds logical (and timely) Deskbar have his own too, no?

comment:4 by humdinger, 15 years ago

@phoudoin: That's basically exactly what I wrote in #2905.

The one thing speaking against doing all by drag&drop is future multi-user. Though, it would be possible to add a context menu on mouse button release offering to "Add to {user}" or "Add to all users" once Haiku goes multi-user.

The Deskbar preference panel could still explain that besides drag&drop, Deskbar entries can be manipulated by linking/removing files/folder in ~/config/be (rename to ~/config/deskbar). Plus a button opening that location.

comment:5 by jonas.kirilla, 15 years ago

+1 to

  • Removing the menu editor from "Configure Be Menu".
  • Adding a button to open the menu folder in Tracker.
  • Replacing ~/config/be with ~/config/deskbar or ~/config/menu
  • Creating (fake-)stand-alone Deskbar preferences, like Tracker's.
  • Moving Deskbar's settings to its preference panel.

I could take a shot at that, if there's reasonable consensus.

comment:6 by stippi, 15 years ago

+1 to everything you said, but please convert the Preference window to the layout management. Then it will also be much easier to add the options.

comment:7 by jonas.kirilla, 15 years ago

Owner: changed from axeld to jonas.kirilla

I've started working on it, making a preferences window for Deskbar from scratch.

comment:8 by jonas.kirilla, 15 years ago

I'm still working on this.

comment:9 by jonas.kirilla, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Done in hrev33363. Thanks!

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