Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#4751 closed bug (fixed)

network with 8169 driver

Reported by: ikoli Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Drivers/Network/rtl81xx Version: R1/alpha1
Keywords: Cc: umccullough
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


I can not establish internet connection.It look like 8169 driver doesn´t work.

Attachments (5)

ifconfig (1.4 KB ) - added by ikoli 15 years ago.
listdev (6.9 KB ) - added by ikoli 15 years ago.
syslog (408.5 KB ) - added by ikoli 15 years ago.
route print (323 bytes ) - added by ikoli 15 years ago.
route pront
route print1 (372 bytes ) - added by ikoli 15 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (26)

by ikoli, 15 years ago

Attachment: ifconfig added

by ikoli, 15 years ago

Attachment: listdev added

by ikoli, 15 years ago

Attachment: syslog added

comment:1 by ikoli, 15 years ago

I tried dhcp and static with no luck.

comment:2 by JeremyVisser, 15 years ago

Have you tried rebooting with the network cable plugged in? I have both forcedeth and ipro100 cards, and they will not work if I try to use them after plugging in the ethernet cable after I have booted up. I have to reboot with it plugged in for it to work.

comment:3 by ikoli, 15 years ago

Cable is plugged in,because this comp I use everyday and there is no need to unplug network cable.I think dhcp doesn´t pick right address so I tried static.Same settings as in Ubuntu but here doesn´t work.

comment:4 by phoudoin, 15 years ago

Could you try to connect it to a fast ethernet switch, instead of a gigabit one? My rtl8168 doesn't work either when connected to a gigabit switch (while link seems on, nothing works), but does well and stable in fast ethernet mode (100Mbits).

I guess the Gigabit PHY support in our driver is not complete and don't handle well some more recent PHY found bundled with rtl816x... At least BSD driver seems to do more stuffs regarding PHY programming than we do.

comment:5 by ikoli, 15 years ago

I´m connected to fast ethernet swich because I have few years old Zyxel modem and I checked BIOS too.It is 100Mbits.Motherboard can support gigabit switch but I don´t have one.

comment:6 by ikoli, 15 years ago

Any suggestion how to move forward with this?I will really like to solve this one to start use Haiku from hard disc.

comment:7 by umccullough, 15 years ago

Just to be clear, you're sure when you set static IP that you assigned a gateway and DNS server(s)?

You can verify they're set properly with a "route print" and "cat /etc/resolv.conf" I believe.

Other options are to ping your gateway, and ping your DNS servers to see if that works.

comment:8 by ikoli, 15 years ago

"Just to be clear, you're sure when you set static IP that you assigned a gateway and DNS server(s)?"

Yes,I´m sure.

  1. I can ping my gateway.

2.I tried several nameservers (few old and few new) from my ISP and none of them works.After I added them and click apply I get message from neworkstatus no link.I even tried OpenDNS and I was not able to ping them.My nameserver of choice was one I use in Ubuntu right now I that one also doesn´t work.I can ping OpenDNS and some nameservers from my ISP from Ubuntu without problem.My imagination stop here.Any other suggestions or ideas?

comment:9 by nos, 15 years ago

Possible related information:

Believe this ticket is "zvzcet" filing a bug report from forum discussion List his motherboard as a gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H (rev. 2.x) which has a RTL8111c chip.

I am adding my bug to this because of similarities I have a gigabyte GA-P35-DS3/S3 were in the manual I have RTL8111b chip and I can not establish a network connection.

Not sure if revisions of the RTL8111 chip is causing a problem

Other Possibly related tickets

RTL8111 closed on bug 1853

bug 4550 mentions in the comments section RTL8111/816B PHY might not be supported in current state of driver.

comment:10 by tonestone57, 15 years ago

This hardware should work. My motherboard has the same network card and works great for me. My hardware (ethernet card) is listed in this ticket:

I would think you are having some type of configuration issue. Try going into BIOS and changing to On with PXE boot. See if that does anything for you. Like what happened here:

If you can ping your router, ie:, then networking is working and you have a DNS issue to figure out.

comment:11 by nos, 15 years ago

Thanks tonestone57 I have it working now I change 2 things at once in bios and when I booted Haiku it worked :)

For others with gigabyte GA-P35-DS3/S3 mother board 2 things I did was select the option in the bios for "Smart Lan" and place "boot on lan" as the third boot device. don't know why that would cause it to work after checking my manual again or placing lan as a boot option even after the hard drive

Will try to confirm if this is indeed "zvzcet" ticket as he has "Smart Lan" option under bios as well (just downloaded his motherboard manual)

Thanks again

in reply to:  8 comment:12 by umccullough, 15 years ago

Replying to ikoli:

  1. I can ping my gateway.

Good. That basically confirms that the driver and hardware is working then.

2.I tried several nameservers (few old and few new) from my ISP and none of them works.After I added them and click apply I get message from neworkstatus no link.I even tried OpenDNS and I was not able to ping them.My nameserver of choice was one I use in Ubuntu right now I that one also doesn´t work.I can ping OpenDNS and some nameservers from my ISP from Ubuntu without problem.My imagination stop here.Any other suggestions or ideas?

If you can't even ping the nameservers by IP, then it sounds like it's not a DNS issue at all, but rather a routing issue.

I didn't see any output from "route print" posted here, so it's hard to determine if something had gotten screwed up there or not.

You can probably ignore the link state issue, IIRC, many of the ported FreeBSD drives don't report their linkstate such that the network status app can display it. I think that's a known issue, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

by ikoli, 15 years ago

Attachment: route print added

route pront

comment:13 by ikoli, 15 years ago

Now you can see route print output.I hope this will help to solve network problem.Thanks in advance.

comment:14 by umccullough, 15 years ago

Cc: umccullough added

Hmm, you used a subnet mask of instead of ?

I'll try setting a static IP on my RTL8169 tonight and see if I get the same issues.

by ikoli, 15 years ago

Attachment: route print1 added

comment:15 by ikoli, 15 years ago

it was my mistake.Of cource I use Here is new route print.

comment:16 by ikoli, 15 years ago

Can someone help me to correct route print and be able to get on net?

comment:17 by umccullough, 14 years ago


Have you tried with a recent nightly build of Haiku? I think there were some updates to the driver in question, perhaps resolving the issues you had here.

comment:18 by phoudoin, 14 years ago

For what it worth, I don't have anymore issue connecting to net via my rtl8169 adapter in gigabit since we've switch to the BSD rtl8xxx driver several months ago.

comment:19 by diver, 14 years ago

Component: Drivers/NetworkDrivers/Network/rtl81xx

comment:20 by ikoli, 14 years ago

Sorry for been away so long.I changed my modem and now it is O.K.Thanx everybody who tried to help and given me advices and help.

comment:21 by luroh, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

That's good to hear, thanks for reporting back.

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