Opened 15 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#5362 closed bug (fixed)

Mount/Write to USB drive causes kernel panic in fat.c

Reported by: andrewz Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: File Systems/FAT Version: R1/alpha1
Keywords: assert error in fat.c Cc: romain.haiku@…, romain.picard@…
Blocked By: #3690 Blocking:
Platform: x86


Mounting or Copying a file from BFS partition to mounted USB drive causes kernel panic.

OS version: Walter 35369 PC info: IBM Thinkpad T30, Intel P4, 512 MB RAM USB drives: 4 GB Sandisk mounted as /SANDISK, 16 GB Corsair mounted as /CORSAIR

After mounting panic message is encountered: assert failed /storage/Build-O-Matic/nightly-uploader/haiku/haiku/src/add-ons/kernel/file_systems/fat/fat.c:441:0

If I remove the drive I can exit debugger and recover from the error.

If I install a 16 GB Corsair USB drive, it mounts with no error and I can ls, and copy a file to it. But then a second ls causes the same assert error at line 403, cluster != 0. I can recover from this error also.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by andrewz, 15 years ago

Blocked By: 3690 added
Component: - GeneralFile Systems/FAT
Platform: Allx86

Probably the same as ticket 3690

comment:2 by romain, 15 years ago

Cc: romain.haiku@… added

comment:3 by anevilyak, 15 years ago

Please try again with hrev35454 or later and report back when you get a chance.

comment:4 by romain, 13 years ago

Cc: romain.picard@… added

comment:5 by waddlesplash, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Bug supposedly fixed in hrev35434; no response from reporter. Assuming fixed.

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