Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#6148 closed enhancement (invalid)

move out all the user preferences from the systems folders

Reported by: amonpaike Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Preferences Version: R1/alpha2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Hi all , every time i upgrading haiku with the night-builds , my keymap and other minor user preferences, resets to default settings. Is possible to move out all user preferences from the systems folders? This option can enhance an hypothetical future system upgrade.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by axeld, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

The preferences are actually not stored in a system folder. Only /boot/system is a system folder. And depending on how you update from the nightlies, your settings will be preserved.

You can either use the installer, or, if you want to write the nightly over your partition, you could move /boot/home to another one, but then you would need to replace the new one with a symlink to your home after each update.

A more manual approach: you can also mount the nightly from your current version, rename the nightly's "system" folder to "system-new", and copy it to your boot disk. Replace or merge the /boot/common directory to your likings. Then rename "system" to "system-old", and "system-new" to system (with Tracker!). Reboot. Delete "system-old".

comment:2 by amonpaike, 15 years ago

Usually i use the installer end overwrite the "system" folder from the instruction of the installer warning. Every time the keymap reset to default settings.

comment:3 by Ziusudra, 15 years ago

The settings are stored in /boot/home/config/settings. While the installer does not overwrite any folder other than system, if the install image contains any other files that already exists installer will overwrite them. Zipping up the settings folder before installing a nightly and extracting it back after will maintain your settings.

The nightlies are intended to be minimal stand alone images. Any future upgrade system would just not include files that have not changed.

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