Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#7322 new bug

Buffer underun like behavior while playing large media files from optical discs

Reported by: stargatefan Owned by: stippi
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Applications/MediaPlayer Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Playing VOB files seems to encounter a buffer underun like symptom. video files will play smoothly for 10-15 seconds then abruptly jerk and then will start again playing smoothly then jerk. this is accompanied by disk acess during the jerk/pause phase of the event.

Noticed in both gcc2 and ggcc4 straight and hybrid builds version 40xxx.

drive is Sata2 compliant dvd burner with fast read speed 20x+ IIRC. Problem is not observered in Windows with the same hardware.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by stargatefan, 14 years ago

Component: - GeneralApplications/MediaPlayer
Owner: changed from nobody to stippi

comment:2 by korli, 14 years ago

Could you please try to copy the file to the harddisk and play it from there and tell us whether it works or not correctly? Thanks

comment:3 by stargatefan, 14 years ago

Works correctly when played from the hardisk. Comfirmed today.

comment:4 by stargatefan, 14 years ago

This problem is not observed with VLC media player version 86I available in a few places including haikuware.

comment:5 by ariza09, 13 years ago

(Google Code-in)

Haiku revision: hrev42211 still a bug.When tested this bug, it be problem. System: Haiku hrev1-alpha3 on VMware workstation 8 on windows 7 32 bit

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