Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#7765 closed enhancement (fixed)

default Dutch keymap

Reported by: wretched_dutchman Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Preferences/Keymap Version:
Keywords: keymap dutch Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


I recently noticed that the default keymap with a dutch install chooses the dutch keymap by default. Although I'm aware that there is such a thing as a dutch keymap, I've actually never seen a keyboard with that layout in my life.
Since that I've worked for a computer-store, I've learned that an inconsistent keymap can be harmfull for the reputation of an OS.
The normal keymap in the Netherlands is US-international. An additional feature could be to ask the user during install what kind of layout he has (either by actual naming or by typing reference)

Change History (9)

comment:1 by taos, 14 years ago

AFAIK, asking for keyboard layout during installation is already implemented: When booting from CD, ReadOnlyBootPrompt (Welcome to Haiku!) is started where you can choose your preferred language and keyboard layout before continuing installing or running haiku in live-cd mode.

I don't know if ReadOnlyBootPrompt is also started when booting from usb (anyboot image), but then the default settings are English and US-International and the user has to change both: choosing Dutch in Locale preferences doesn't change the keymap.

comment:2 by wretched_dutchman, 14 years ago

I'm sorry, it's true that it's possible to choose the keymap during installation, I just overlooked it (whether or not it's visible enough isn't the case here).
But when I use the alpha 3 iso in virtualbox it actually does change keymap to dutch when selecting the dutch language. And since the dutch keymap is a rarity I think it should be linked to the US-international keymap.

comment:3 by taos, 14 years ago

Strange, I can change languages, but retain my (usually German) keymap. But back to the question if US-International can be made the default keymap. I think it depends on the following: Is it haiku that decides on default keymaps for a language or is this information loaded from ICU?

comment:4 by wretched_dutchman, 14 years ago

Like I said, it's only with the installer, not changing the language after installation. And it's Haiku that (initially) decides my keymap during the language selection, I don't know anything of ICU, so I can't tell about that.

comment:5 by taos, 14 years ago

The ICU package provides haiku with information regarding time zones, date, time and number formatting etc (e.g. see Locale - Formatting). I don't know if it also holds information which keymap is intended for which language. If it doesn't there should be an entry somewhere in the haiku source code that could be changed to make US-International the default for Dutch.

comment:6 by axeld, 14 years ago

The logic for selecting the default keymap is implemented in ReadOnlyBootPrompt, and is not provided by ICU.

comment:7 by taos, 14 years ago

As far as I can understand the source code of ReadOnlyBootPrompt there are two options. We could either rename the Dutch keymap file (e.g. Dutch -> Dutch (...)) so there's no longer a keymap file with the same name as the language and therefore the fall-back keymap (US-International) is loaded (this happens for example with Portuguese (Brazil) (keymap: Brazilian) or Lithuanian (3 keymaps: Lithuanian (...)). Or we could explicitly add an entry for Dutch in ReadOnlyBootPrompt.

comment:8 by axeld, 14 years ago

I think introducing exceptions that also allow to handle the problematic cases correctly would be the preferred solution to this problem.

For Lithuanian, I think we should renamed the default one of those, though (IIRC one of them had a non-standard name).

comment:9 by axeld, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in hrev42404.

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